Chair på inspelningarna av GG den 19 Juli
Ni Chair (jag hihi) shippers kan nu vara lugna och lyckliga....
.... Men vi vet inte om det var bara repliker som vänner eller som par. Dock dem som tog bilderna och några andra sa att dem hörde några Chairs repliker och att replikerna var som dem var ett par. Men det är ju inte säkert :/
Chuck & Blair Sexual reaction
Hittade precis denna video och jag tycker att den var så frän,haha! Ni måste bara sen den!
I från säsong ett vasnitt treton
Älskar detta:)
Säsong 6 Mer Info
Hej alla läsare :)
Jag skrev ett INLÄGG (klicka på länken i inlägget om du glömt bort vad jag skrev) om att 3 nya återkommande roller skulle komma i säsong 6. Här kommer lite info om en av dem (killen):
“Gossip Girl”: Just because Prince Louis is out of the picture doesn’t mean Blair can avoid Frenchmen forever. Producers are looking for a fluent French actor (with an accent, obviously) to play the recurring role of Jean-Pierre in Season 6. He’s a “handsome international businessman” with some ties to her royal ex.
Alltså så kommer en ny fransk kille (med fransk dialekt) som känner Prins Louis. Det har dock, som tur är (för Chair fans), kommit ut att den nya franska killen inte kommer vara ett kärleksintresse för Blair.
I love you
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
I followed my heart because I love you.
He makes me happier
Never let me go. Chuck + Blair
Min nya favorit! Vad tyckte ni om den? :)
Chuck Bass, I love you.
This time I'm all in.
Dance with me.
What we have is a great love.
What we have is a great love. It’s complicated. Intense. All-consuming. No matter what we do and how much we fight, it’ll always pull us in.
I can be bitch enough for both of us.
Number 19:
I only want you to be happy
Number 18:
But I am me.
“But I am me. And you are you. We’re Chuck and Blair. Blair and Chuck. The worst thing you’ve ever done. The darkest thought you’ve ever had. I will stand by you through anything…because I love you.”
Chuck/Blair 5x24
You're sure?
I'm sorry...
“I’m sorry that even after you asked me not to, I married Louis when I didn’t love him, and hurt you in the process.”
“I’m sorry I asked you to wait and then went into a relationship with Dan. I’m sorry I told you I wasn’t in love with you anymore even when I knew I still did.”
“I’m sorry I pushed you away when you needed a friend.”
“I’m sorry for thinking the worst of you even when I knew that you had changed.”
“And most of all, I’m sorry I gave up on us when you were fighting for me.”