Latest from Ausiello- spoiler
Question: Here’s my burning Gossip Girl finale question: How do we know Dan and Serena got married in that flash-forward? We didn’t actually see them exchange vows. —Carmen
Ausiello: Great, conspiracy-obsessed minds think alike, Carmen. I too wondered why exec producers Stephanie Savage and Josh Schwartz opted not to show the two of them tying the knot. For all we know, Jenny had a bomb strapped to her back that was set to detonate right after the cameras cut away — retaliation for the role her brother/Gossip Girl played in running her out of town. Stranger things have happened. So, what say you Ms. Savage? “Dan and Serena do, in fact, get married.” Hmmm…until I see more evidence, I remain suspicious.
Ausiello: Great, conspiracy-obsessed minds think alike, Carmen. I too wondered why exec producers Stephanie Savage and Josh Schwartz opted not to show the two of them tying the knot. For all we know, Jenny had a bomb strapped to her back that was set to detonate right after the cameras cut away — retaliation for the role her brother/Gossip Girl played in running her out of town. Stranger things have happened. So, what say you Ms. Savage? “Dan and Serena do, in fact, get married.” Hmmm…until I see more evidence, I remain suspicious.

Latest from Ausiello- spoilers
Question: Can it really be happening? Is Gossip Girl really coming to an end? Since I know it is, can you let me in on some series finale secrets — especially regarding the flash-forward? —John
Ausiello: Three future couplings will surprise you. Two won’t.
Question: Do you have one last Gossip Girl scoop for me? — Kayla
Ausiello: There’s a twist in the final 15 minutes that I dare say will prove more polarizing than the incendiary Dan-Blair-Chuck triangle.

Om finalavsnittet - Spoiler
Finalen kommer vara uppdelad i två delar, del 1 och 2 (episode 9 och 10.) Det betyder att avsnitt 9 kommer sluta med at cliffhanger och avsnitt 10 fortsätter där 9 slutade. Men det kommer också vara en återblick innan avsnitt 10. Stephanie Savage (Gossip Girl Executive Producer) har sagt att det kommer vara "a dream, a flashback and a flashforward" i final avsnittet. Men eftersom att finalavsnittet är uppdelat i 9 och 10 betyder det att inta alla måste vara i avsnitt 10.
Betydelse: En eller flera av dem (drömmen, tillbakablicken och framåtblicken) kommer att vara i den 9:e episoden!
Gossip Girl: Finale Flashbacks
Fun-Fact: Did you know that in Monday’s episode there was a pretty major spoilerly spoiler about the identity of Gossip Girl? I’ve known which Upper East Sider is a secret socialite blogger for months now, so I definitely caught the subtle nod. But did you? Not to worry NYC lovers! With only two episodes left in the series, y’all will know soon enough. (But you may want to re-watch the last thirty minutes again just in case you need a bit of a hint.) Lets look ahead shall we? I hate to say it, but someone major does not make it to the end of the finale. No, this is not escape to the south of France for a vaycay—it’s much more serious than that.
Unfortunately I cannot reveal who but I can give you a hint: It’s not Blair. Phew! Macaroon and peony-lovers can breath a sigh of relief because our favorite mean-girl will be safe while she marries the man of her dreams. (Side-Note: Is anyone else obsessed with that gorgeous light blue wedding dress?) Lastly, get excited for one of my favorite TV show tricks—flashbacks! In our final episode of The CW hit, fans will be satisfied to see a blast from our character’s past as we take a look back at when it all began: 2007. Oh how I miss seeing those always accessorized Constance school uniforms, but luckily we’ll be seeing them again very soon! P.S. This may or may not have to do with the identity of Gossip Girl...
Fun-Fact: Did you know that in Monday’s episode there was a pretty major spoilerly spoiler about the identity of Gossip Girl? I’ve known which Upper East Sider is a secret socialite blogger for months now, so I definitely caught the subtle nod. But did you? Not to worry NYC lovers! With only two episodes left in the series, y’all will know soon enough. (But you may want to re-watch the last thirty minutes again just in case you need a bit of a hint.) Lets look ahead shall we? I hate to say it, but someone major does not make it to the end of the finale. No, this is not escape to the south of France for a vaycay—it’s much more serious than that.
Unfortunately I cannot reveal who but I can give you a hint: It’s not Blair. Phew! Macaroon and peony-lovers can breath a sigh of relief because our favorite mean-girl will be safe while she marries the man of her dreams. (Side-Note: Is anyone else obsessed with that gorgeous light blue wedding dress?) Lastly, get excited for one of my favorite TV show tricks—flashbacks! In our final episode of The CW hit, fans will be satisfied to see a blast from our character’s past as we take a look back at when it all began: 2007. Oh how I miss seeing those always accessorized Constance school uniforms, but luckily we’ll be seeing them again very soon! P.S. This may or may not have to do with the identity of Gossip Girl...
Latest from Ausiello- spoiler
Question: Is there any chance of Nate and Serena getting back together as a couple before or during the series finale of Gossip Girl? —Erin
Ausiello: Answer’s still no, Erin. Ask me one more time and your IP address will be turned over to the authorities.
Ausiello: Answer’s still no, Erin. Ask me one more time and your IP address will be turned over to the authorities.
Question: You said last week that we would get more Gossip Girl spoilers. Can we get those now please? —Léa
Ausiello: I found out what Kristen Bell will be doing in the series finale and it’s brilliant. Also, did you hear about the flash forward?!
Ausiello: I found out what Kristen Bell will be doing in the series finale and it’s brilliant. Also, did you hear about the flash forward?!

Latest from E!Online -Spoiler
Maurice: Gossip Girl...need the scoop!! Is the finale going to be any good?
Actually...yes! We obviously can't spill the beans, but we found out who Gossip Girl is and we have. So. Many. Emotions. It's pretty great. And even kind of makes sense.
Actually...yes! We obviously can't spill the beans, but we found out who Gossip Girl is and we have. So. Many. Emotions. It's pretty great. And even kind of makes sense.
Gossip Girl kommer alltså att avslöjas i finalen 6x10

6x07 - Stills

6x07 "Save the Last Chance" - Sneak Peek
Tyvärr är det ganska dålig kvalité och spansk text.

6x08 "It's Really Complicated" Sneak Peek

Ivy and William (Serena's father). They work together. He will reappear in 7th episode. And as it seems they are also together. And maybe she is with Rufus too at the same time..
Svens översättning
Ivy och William (Serenas far). De arbetar tillsammans. Han kommer att dyka upp i sjunde avsnitt. Och som det verkar är de också tillsammans. Och kanske är hon med Rufus samtidigt..

I det sista/något bland de sista avsnitten kommer ett plan att krascha!!
Fler än en av våra älskade karaktärer kommer vara ombord på planet, men det är inte det värsta, någon avhuvudkaraktärerna kommer att DÖ.O-M-G. Chuck? Dan? Serena? Blair? Nate?
Fler än en av våra älskade karaktärer kommer vara ombord på planet, men det är inte det värsta, någon avhuvudkaraktärerna kommer att DÖ.O-M-G. Chuck? Dan? Serena? Blair? Nate?
När jag tittar på det avsnittet kommer det vara jag som dör. Nu kommer jag att låta jättefånig, men det är som att man känner karaktärerna i serien på något sätt, eftersom det ändå varit/är 6 säsonger. Man har fått uppleva mycket med allihopa. Därför kommer jag tycka det är så hemskt när man får reda på vem som dör.
Förstår ni hur jag menar & tänker?
Förstår ni hur jag menar & tänker?

Latest from E!Online -Spoiler
Tricia: Any non-romance Gossip Girl scoop would be awesome!
Two words for ya: girl power! Yes, four of the show's badass females—Blair, Serena,Georgina and Sage—will team up by series' end to take on a common foe. So who on the Upper East Sidecould get these four (current) frenemies to team up? Here's a clue: Their target is male.
Two words for ya: girl power! Yes, four of the show's badass females—Blair, Serena,Georgina and Sage—will team up by series' end to take on a common foe. So who on the Upper East Sidecould get these four (current) frenemies to team up? Here's a clue: Their target is male.

Alex Bento - aka chair baby? aka - Henry
Det lilla barnet vi sett på inspelningarna heter Alex Bento, han är jätte gullig. Han är förhoppningsvis en Chair baby :) han kommer heta Henry i GG :) Alex har spelat in scener (säkert med fler, men dem det kommit ut bilder med) med både Chace och Ed, hon som spelar Blairs mamma och med Kelly (Lilly), Dorota. Här kommer lite bilder.
Latest from E!Online -Spoiler
Caitlin: Is it sad that I still hope Dan and Blair will get back together on Gossip Girl?
Unfortunately yes, it is a bit sad as a little bird tells us that the duo formerly known as Dair will barely be interacting
Unfortunately yes, it is a bit sad as a little bird tells us that the duo formerly known as Dair will barely be interacting
in the first half of the season. That romance is officially dunzo. For real.

Latest from Ausiello- spoiler
Question: Can we expect Serena to reconnect with Dan or Nate on Gossip Girl, or is she with this Steve (Barry Watson) guy for the long haul? —Billie Ausiello: She reunites with Dan, but there’s a twist: Lonely Boy is totally playing her! (He needs material for his book after all.) And regarding Steven, he disappears for a few episodes but returns in Episode 8 — complete with a 7th Heaven joke.

Jenny och Eric kommer tillbaka i finalen.. Är ni glada? Jag är glad över Eric men har aldrig gillat Jenny (eller jo i säsong 1 tills hon ville ta över Queen Bee platsen). Blairs mamma verkar även dyka upp igen :)

Season finale 6x10 STORA SPOILERS
Om ni inte vill ha STORA spolers inför säsongsfinalen. FORTSÄTT INTE LÄSA :)
På Engelska:
A TV Fanatic reader writes this morning that Chuck is taken away by the police at the end of the scene, so there's that. Obviously, we can't verify that this actually happens or if it does, what the circumstances are.
Is this the fairy tale ending Chair fans have been longing for?
WARNING: We're serious, this is quite possibly the mother of Gossip Girl finale spoilers.
Is everybody clear on this? Okay ...
Earlier, we noted Chuck Bass' absence from the NYC set of the Gossip Girl series finale.
That appears to be premature. A new image appears to show Chuck very much alive.
Check out what appears to be Chuck and Blair's wedding in Central Park ...
Is this the fairy tale ending Chair fans have been longing for?
WARNING: We're serious, this is quite possibly the mother of Gossip Girl finale spoilers.
Is everybody clear on this? Okay ...
Earlier, we noted Chuck Bass' absence from the NYC set of the Gossip Girl series finale.
That appears to be premature. A new image appears to show Chuck very much alive.
Check out what appears to be Chuck and Blair's wedding in Central Park ...
(bilderna kommer längre ner:))
En TV Fanatic (en hemsida tror jag) läsare skrev i morse att Chuck blir tagen av policen i slutet av denna scen, så det är det. Självklart så kan vi inte bekräfta att det är sant (inga bilder på det), vi kan heller inte bekräfta att om det utspelar sig, under vilka omständigheterna är.
Är detta dröm slutet alla Chair fans hoppas på?
Varning: Vi är seriösa, det här kan vara mamman till alla säsongsfinal spoilers(Den största spoilern till 6x10)
Är alla förberedda på det? Okej...
Bilder från inspelningarna av finalen, finns inte Chuck med. Det visar sig inte längre stämma. En ny bild visar att Chuck lever i säsongsfinalen (yay:) haha)
Kolla in bilderna på vad som ser ut att vara Chuck och Blairs bröllop i Central Park. (dålig kvalite på bilderna)

Som ni ser är det Blairs styvfar som verkar viga CB om det är ett bröllop. Men det ser starkt ut som ett bröllop, tycker jag. Dem kysser varandra sådär som alla typ gör när dem gifter sig! NÅGON MER ÄN JAG SOM ÄR BKASKGUKHKUAHRGH LYCKLIG JUST NU?
Så frukta inte, Chair fans. Även fast CB kommer vara skilda från varandra (det är en chair scen i nattens avsnitt om jag minns rätt) så kommer det enligt nya promos blir SPOILER .......... NÄSTAN CHAIR SEX i avsnitt 4,5 eller 6... Vet inte om dem har sex dock, man såg bara att dem kysstes.. Om det är CB bröllop och om ni vill se Blairs klänning bättre finns den med som sista bild HÄR... Jag gillar deras outfit, inte typiskt bröllops klänning Blair har liksom, men den verkar mer Blair än den hon hade i 5x13... Och Chucks vita kostym är klockren haha :)

Titlen till sista avsnittet.
De sista avsnittet kommer heta: “New York, I Love You XOXO”.

Det har kommit ut spoiler om att några gamla kända personer kommer tillbaka....
Det har kommit ut bilder från inspelningarna av finalen och där ser vi att Chace spelar in en scen med Desmond (Jack Bass, han är väl inte den som kanske räknas som att han kommer tillbaka då han var med i säsongsfinalen) . Chace spelar iallafall in en scen med Desmond och Katie Cassidy ( Hon som spelade Juliet i säsong 4) Ni vi hon som hatade Serena haha?.... intressant och se varför hon kommer tillbaka.. Men har nog troligen något med Serena och göra kanske?
Dem har ju sagt att kanske kommer fler än en tillbaka (Vi vet ju att Nelly Yuki kommer tillbaka i de tidigare avsnitten)
Här är bilder på Katie, Desmond och Chace.. Man ser inte Katie jätte bra men man ser att det är hon.

Latest from TV Guide- Spoiler
What happens on Gossip Girl now that Serena's new man knows the truth about her? — Felicia
ADAM: Now that she has nothing to hide, Serena and her beau will relocate to Manhattan, where she's determined to make a new life without her old friends. Perhaps derailing that: Steven has a pretty huge secret he's been keeping from Serena. Worse, the secret is mixed up with one of those old friends Serena's so desperate to leave behind.
ADAM: Now that she has nothing to hide, Serena and her beau will relocate to Manhattan, where she's determined to make a new life without her old friends. Perhaps derailing that: Steven has a pretty huge secret he's been keeping from Serena. Worse, the secret is mixed up with one of those old friends Serena's so desperate to leave behind.