
Jag älskar Nate och Serena! Om det är något par jag vill ha som endgame mer än Chuck och Blair så är det dom :)
Vilka par gillar ni mer än Chair?
Vilka par gillar ni mer än Chair?

God morgon :) Har mer tidinställda inlägg idag och lite imorgon då jag åkt bort en kortis innan sommarlovet. Hittade bra videos på Serenate igår, men sen kollade jag om dem uppe på bloggen redan, och det var de flesta :/ Men hittade den här som var lite rolig, den handlar kanske mer om Serena när hon var "bad" men det är lite serenate (lite ihopklippta scener också, som från början inte var en riktig serenate scen) i den :) Ni kan gå in på Serenate taggen om ni vill se videosarna som är bra :)

the night that everything changed

"You know we haven't been out together, drinking alone since..."
"Since the Sheppard Wedding..."
"Yeah, the night that everything changed.."
"Since the Sheppard Wedding..."
"Yeah, the night that everything changed.."
Jag måste bara tilläga att i scenen (gifsen) ovanför så tycker jag att Serena har sin snyggaste styling (både hår och outfit) genom alla GG avsnitt!

“You can count on me always.”-Nate 3x10

“You know it took me a long time to get over what happened between us that night… Two years ago, at the Masquerade ball, I tried to tell you I loved you…” | “You… you loved me?” | “Of course I did. Serena, you’re the most beautiful, amazing, alive person I’ve e v e r known.”- Nate and Serena: 3×10 (“The Last Days of Disco Stick”)
“You know it took me a long time to get over what happened between us that night… Two years ago, at the Masquerade ball, I tried to tell you I loved you…” | “You… you loved me?” | “Of course I did. Serena, you’re the most beautiful, amazing, alive person I’ve e v e r known.”- Nate and Serena: 3×10 (“The Last Days of Disco Stick”)
“I just got scared that if we went too fast things weren’t going to work out. And I really, really don’t want that to happen. Because I’ve waited… I’ve waited a really long time for this.”
- Nate: 3×13 (“The Hurt Locket”)
- Nate: 3×13 (“The Hurt Locket”)
“Nate, I love you. I just wanna make things work again… I just wanna go back to b e i n g u s. I know that it’ll be hard, but I do wanna try.”
-Serena: 3×22 (“Last Tango, Then Paris”)
-Serena: 3×22 (“Last Tango, Then Paris”)
“I want to be that person you can bring anything to. The good and the bad.”
- Nate: 3×14 (“The Lady Vanished”)
- Nate: 3×14 (“The Lady Vanished”)
“You are a great guy, Nate Archibald… Can I k i s s you before I kill you?”
- Serena: 3×17 (“Inglorious Bassterds”)
- Serena: 3×17 (“Inglorious Bassterds”)
I’ve been trying to do the right thing, but it’s killing me. And I thought I could fight it, but I can’t. And if you don’t stop me, I’m going to kiss you.”
- Nate: 1×06 (“The Handmaiden’s Tale”)
- Nate: 1×06 (“The Handmaiden’s Tale”)
“If you ever need me, I’m here. A l w a y s.”
- Serena: 4×04 (“Touch of Eva”)
- Serena: 4×04 (“Touch of Eva”)


Best scenes part 4

NATE: Oh hey! Your mom told me you guys were staying here at the Palace.
SERENA: Yeah, we’re renovating. Again. You know my mom - if it’s not broke, break it. So what are you doing here?
NATE: Oh, I just wanted to see how you were. You seemed kind of upset last night.
SERENA: I gotta get going and change for school, I’m going to be late.
NATE: Serena-
NATE: You’re back now.
SERENA: I didn’t come back for you. Look, Blair’s my best friend and you’re her boyfriend and she loves you. That’s the way things are supposed to be.
“You know we haven’t been out together, drinking alone since…” | “Since the Sheppard Wedding…” | “Yeah, the night that everything changed..”

Best scenes part 3
I didn't come back for you
Best scenes part 2
I'm here for you, always.
I’ve been trying to do the right thing, but it’s killing me. And I thought I could fight it, but I can’t. And if you don’t stop me, I’m going to kiss you.”

Best scenes part 1
Nate & Serena||you're the best that I never had!!
Nate and Serena- Like a G6
Kort men bra video.
Loves to blame- Nate & Serena
Nate: I want to be that person you can bring anything to. The good and the bad.
You loved me?
Nate + Serena ; Fix you
Börjar nästan tjuta för att jag saknar det här så himla mycket! :(
Den här veckan hyllar vi saknade Serenate så jag kommer bara lägga ut gifs,bilder och videos på Nate och Serena och såklrt extra mycket! Kom gärna med önskemål! :)

Den här veckan hyllar vi saknade Serenate så jag kommer bara lägga ut gifs,bilder och videos på Nate och Serena och såklrt extra mycket! Kom gärna med önskemål! :)

Nate: Serena, I lost my virginity to you on a bar at the Campbell Apartment. When I woke up the next day, the person I lost my virginity to, the person I loved, was gone. Never to be heard from again for a year.