PROMO för nästa veckas avsnitt!

USA promo för nästa veckas avsnitt!! Jag villl se det avsnittet nu!! :O :O

Update:Längre Promo :)

Fick en kommentar om nästa avsnitt :) SPOILER i svaret!!

Kommentar:Berätta vad du tror kommer hända i nästa avsnitt 4.07. Om chuck och Blair?? Blir de itllsammans eller vad händer??
Lägg gärna in en massa bilder och sång till avsnittet. ÅÅÅÅÅ LÄÄÄNGTAR !!!!!!

Svar: Det som jag har läst och hört om vad som kommer hända i nästa avsnitt är det här, vet dock inte om allt är sant:

4x07 is the peace treaty thing. There's apparently one clause that neither wants anyone to know about. It's also Lily and Rufus' anniversary, and Dan gets mad, because he wants Jenny there but she can't come because of Chuck and Blair. So Dan decides to make it look like Blair broke their treaty and sends a bogus GG blast about her having coffee with Jack. Only, when he goes to reveal it to Chuck, he finds C and B there laughing and having coffee, because they recognize his plan. Blair mentions that she knew where Jack was and Chuck asks how and she's evasive. Then Chuck makes a gross remark about Jenny to Dan and it further pisses Dan off, so he digs around and finds their contract and makes a plan to sabotage them at B's birthday party, which is that night. Blair invites Chuck to her bday party. At the party, Blair is inviting all the staff/faculty from Columbia, including a woman she is particularly interested in learning from. She keeps telling Eleanor she wants to be a powerful woman. But then Robyn comes on stage and says she has a surprise adn Blair is freaking out like NO! Robyn intros a video and it's Blair, drunk signing "Stand By Your Man" on top of a piano with Chuck and Robyn trying to get her down. Blair is mortified and accidentally knocks the woman she admires into a chocolate fountain. Blair assumes it's Chuck who does it and Robyn tells her it was (but it was actually Dan). They find out it was Dan and everyone is disappointed in him, including Rufus, so he goes home and Vanessa is there and they're happy to be friends and ashamed of the way they have let the UES affect them. Oh, and Blair tells Chuck that she knew where Jack was because she hired a PI to follow Chuck after Eva left so she would know if he was still contacting her and the PI told her where Jack was. Eleanor and Blair have a conversation after the party where Blair tells her that she wants to be a powerful woman, but that around Chuck she becomes a scared little girl. Eleanor gives her a pep talk and goes to bed. Blair is walking around to go to bed and sees Chuck is still there. He rips up the peace treaty and says they can never be civil, they aren't friends. And she says good, I hate you. He says I hate you, too. Then he grabs her and they have sex on the dining room table.


Postat av: Anonym

2010-10-26 @ 17:12:38
Postat av: Sara

Berätta vad du tror kommer hända i nästa avsnitt 4.07. Om chuck och Blair?? Blir de itllsammans eller vad händer??

Lägg gärna in en massa bilder och sång till avsnittet. ÅÅÅÅÅ LÄÄÄNGTAR !!!!!!

2010-10-26 @ 17:13:43

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