Valentine's Day

krism23:   “Blair hearts Chuck”, and we all know it even through her trials and mishaps. So let’s tell the writers, by getting it   trending before and while we watch the Valentine’s Day themed 5x15. Last Monday all episode we trended “Reunite Chuck and Blair”   worldwide! With your help we can do this again! Show your support for   Chuck and Blair on Twitter on February 13th, starting 7:45PM EST (12:45AM GMT), let’s trend “Blair HEARTS Chuck” [use spaces, not hashtags] & include them in your tweets. Stay positive, have fun, follow us on twitter @savechuckblair (savechuckandblair on   Tumblr) and live-tweet the new episode with us! Remember, you can also   tweet yours thoughts to @GGWriters, @JoshSchwartz76, and @CW_Network.  waldorfpwnsall:  “Blair hearts Chuck”, because we all know they are each other’s  Valentines! So let’s tell the writers, by getting it trending before  and while we watch the Valentine’s Day themed 5x15. Last  Monday all episode we trended “Reunite Chuck and Blair” worldwide! With  your help we can do this again! Show your support for Chuck and Blair  on Twitter starting 7:45PM EST (12:45AM GMT), let’s trend “Blair HEARTS  Chuck” [use spaces, not hashtags] & include them in your tweets.  Stay positive, have fun, follow us on twitter @savechuckblair  (savechuckandblair on Tumblr) and live-tweet the new episode with us!  Remember, you can also tweet yours thoughts to @GGWriters,  @JoshSchwartz76, and @CW_Network.
På tisdag är det ju Alla hjärtans dag. Då tänkte jag av vi kunde hylla våra favorit GG-par genom att NI LÄSARE skickar er favorit bild på erat favorit par, ni får skicka in flera bilder och på flera olika par om ni vill. Ni kan skicka era bilder till [email protected] eller om jag lagt upp en bild ni gillar som ni vill ska "hyllas" så går det bra att slänga in en kommentar under den bilden, ni gör som ni vill. Hoppas ni skickar in månGA bilder nu! :)


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