- An OVERWHELMING 75% (with over 2,800 votes) said, “Chuck. He’s alive. They’re in love. Obviously, marriage is a totally logical next step”
- A sorta-decent 16% (with over 750 votes) said, “Dan. We know there’s some major Dair drama coming up soon. This must be it!”
- Almost 4% (or about 140 votes) said, “The ring is a decoy! Blair’s not actually married. GG knew about the photographers and gave Leighton a fake ring to fool all the spoiler sites. Joke’s on us.”
- Just under 2% (or 74 votes) said, “No one! She broke it off with Louis, but for some reason, they’re still being forced to keep up appearances. ”
- And a measly 1% (60 votes) said, “Louis. No big mystery here! Blair’s engaged to Louis. They’re going to get married.”