Svar på kommentar! =)

Jag blir jätte glad när jag får kommentarer av er så jag tänkte svar på en fråga jag fick ställd! =)

Har inte Jessica och Ed gjort slut på grund av att Jessica har varit otrogen???

Pressen har sagt att Ed gjorde slut med Jessica pga av att hon var otrogen mot honom men jag vet inte. Det kanske inte är sant. Ingen av dom har kommit ut varför dom ska ha gjort slut. Själv så tror jag inte det har med någon affär att göra men vad vet jag =)

Hoppas svaret hjälp dig!

Intervjuv med Ed Westwick från Now Magazine UK

Har kommit ut en jätte rolig intervjuv med Ed tycker jag =) han verkar som en sån skön snubbe :P


The Gossip Giel Hunk on full-frontals,spying on Prince Harry and kissing girls with stubble.

Ed Westwick's our very own Brit heartthrob who's setting pulses raceing on cult TV show Gossip Girl. And he isn't just handsome, bur funny too. Thankfully the brooding 22-years-old actor hasn't forgotten his roots-or his accent, whick is still distinctly British-and Ed still enjoys hanging out in London's vibrant Soho when he's not shooting the addictive Tv series. "I love England" he grins. "I miss it incredibly and you just can't get a proper jan sandwich in the US"
When NOW meets Ed- who plays the minted Chuck Bass on the show- to put your questions to him, it isn't long before he has us in hysterics with his amusing tales...

How do you feel about Chuck and Blair’s relationship?
– “I think they’re meant to be together; they’re just as bad as each other! It’s pretty self-destructive at times, but they thrive on it and whatever you have to do to get your kicks…At the end of the day it comes down to living on the edge or not living at all.”

What was it like kissing a boy during the last series?
– “Fine. there was no stubble as he was pretty clean-shaven. I’ve kissed women who’ve had more stubble than that.”

If you and Penn Badgley had an arm wrestle, who’d win?
– “Probably Penn because he’s been working out loads and he’s got pretty big. I’ve got weak shoulders, it’s weird! They used to dislocate all the time.”

Have you ever stolen anything from Chuck’s wardrobe?
– “They gave me a suit once, but I’ve never stolen anything. Maybe underwear because I show up without it and have to put it on. I don’t usually wear underwear. It’s more comfortable and free to air it all out.”

When you’re working crazy hour, which do you prefer: sleep or sex?
– “Sleep or sex? Sex, man. Straight up. Sex, then sleep. I’ve got a great appetite for… um, everything.”

Are we going to see you topless?
– “Yeah, why not? And, you know, I’m not even scared of full-frontal nudity.”

Are you a gym junkie?
– “I definitely work out, but mainly just to make me feel good. You feel good after you exercise; it’s more of a stress reliever than anything else.”

How do you define romance?
– “Butterflies and surprises. Romance is about keeping the surprise and butterflies represent, setting something up for someone. And passion.”

What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done?
– “I’ve done a couple things. I’ve written a little three-word description on a card. That’s a bit shit. I covered a hotel in really expensive roses and Dom Perignon and Cristal. Yeah, things like that. I like little gestures like that.”

What quality do you like most about your girlfriend Jessica Szohr?
– “I don’t really want to get into that, but she’s gorgeous. It’s all good, man.”

Snog, marry, or avoid: Kristen Stewart, Cheryl Cole, Lily Allen.
– “I’d snog Kristen and marry Cheryl Cole. Is the last one shagging? No? Then I’d snog Lily Allen. I can’t avoid woman – not those three, anyway.”

If you could spy on another celebrity for a day, who would it be?
– “I think I’d probably spy on Prince Harry, he’s a pretty cool guy. I’d like to know what kind of things he gets up to.”

Robert Pattinson hysteria is crazy. Would you want that level of fame?
– “I’ve already experienced girls screaming my name, so I wouldn’t say it’s too alien, but I think Rob’s in a very difficult situation. He’s a friend and he’s a good guy. I know him, so I know for a fact that he wants to be known for his work.”

If you had 24 hours to live, what would you do?
– “I’d jump out of a plane. I’m not afraid of heights, I just don’t get it. I guess I’m going to die anyway.”


OBS Ed har sagt så här förra veckan på ett event om hans förhållande med Jessica Szohr:

"It’s a bit of a sore point and we’re not together anymore."
Så troligen är dom inte tillsammans längre.

Reklam för Cw's summer Tv

Finns klipp från säsong 2 och 3 i videon =)


Gossip girl Hot Summer Nights Trailer


Ännu en till outtake

Har kommit ut en till Outtake från ELLE fotograferingen förra året =)

Ingen bloggning t.o.m söndag

Är borta hela helgen, syns på söndag! :D

Bilder från Leightons fotografering med GLAMOUR

Har kommit ut några till bilder till på Leighton Mester från hennes fotografering med Glamor =)

Jag tycker bilderna så riktigt sommriga ut! =D Gud vad jag vill att det ska bli sommar =D=D

Dagens citat

Chuck: I thought you said you were going home?
Blair: Changed my mind.
Chuck: Well if i'd known, I would have come sooner. Did you ever find Brandeis?
Blair: Yes. We're not friends anymore. But that's okay, I have you. That's all I need.

Ny bild på Leighton från the oranges

Det har kommit ut en bild på Leighton från The Oranges hennes nya film =)

Fler bilder från avsnitt 3.18

Har kommit ut ännu fler bilder från avsnitt 3.18

Dagens citat

Chuck: You have until tomorrow to decide.
Blair: What?
Chuck: We’re never going to be safe. So are you brave enough or aren’t you? I’ll be waiting at the top of the Empire State Building.
Blair: You can’t “Affair to Remember” me.
Chuck: If you’re not there tomorrow, at 7:01, I’m closing my heart to you forever.
Blair: Well, I won’t be there.

Ringen Chuck tänkte ge till Blair


I början på sista avsnitt säger Blair att hon bara gillar tre saker kläder, skor, och Harry Winston.

Det visade sig att hon var nästan en mycket lycklig flicka. Detta stenblock och medelstora förlovningsring hon inte fått av Chuck (och för vilken han fick själv skjuten) är i själva verket en Harry Winston design. Ringen har en bländande 8-karat, dyna-cut diamant som anges i platina. Om du har ditt hjärta inställt på din honung poppar frågan med Blairs ring, kan du fråga på Harry Winston's Fifth Avenue butik i NYC.

Här är en bild på ringen som Chuck tänkte ge till Blair i sista avsnittet och sedan inte tog imot. Chuck blev sedan av med den när han blev skjuten.

Men såhär såg den ut i nära håll =)

Ringen är en Harry Winston

NYA bild på Leighton och Ed från ELLE fotograferingen!

Har kommit ut riktigt fina bilder på Leighton och Ed från deras ELLE fotografering :)

Tycker dom är riktigt fina =D

Ny bild från inspelningarna av Charlet Girl

Har kommit ut en ny bild från inspelningarna av Ed Westwicks nya film Charlet Girl =)

Fler bilder från sista avsnittet "The Last Tango, Then Paris"

JA det har oxå kommit ut fler bilder till sista avsnitt The Last Tango,Then Paris :)

Fler bilder till avsnitt 3.18

Det har kommit ut fler bilder i efterhand till några avsnitt, här är några från avsnitt 3.18, The Unblairable Lightness of Being

Någon som saknar dagens citat?

Var så himla länge sedan jag skrev det om det här =) Tänkte passa på att köra ett dagens citat!

Blair Waldorf: [after waking up in bed together] You were on the floor!
Chuck Bass: I hurt my back.
Blair Waldorf: How? It's not like you ever do anything athletic.
Chuck Bass: [suggestively] Well, that's not exactly true, now is it?
Blair Waldorf: Fine, nothing that involves removing your scarf.
Chuck Bass: That was one time; it was chilly.

Hej nya läsare! :D

Det är så kul när man får flera läsare så jag ville bara säga hej och välkommen till er alla! =)

Tänkte passa på att svara på en fråga:

Vilket datum Leighton skiva kommer ut?? Vet du det?

Jag vet inte vilket datum exakt men jag vet att den kommer i sommar,tror jag det var =)
lägger in en söt bild på leighton oxå =)

Filmklipp med Ed från Vouges och Express modevisning

ÅÅÅ blir så glad när han är på så strålande humör :D det smittar verkligen av sig! =D=D=D

Kolla på klippet så förstår ni nog :)

asså jag älskar hans brittiska accent! <33

ed westwick på event i london 22 maj

igår var ed på något event i london kalla st.regis international cup och han hade sin hatt på sig ;) :)

Massa nya bilder från avsnitt 3.17

Det har kommit ut massa bilder nu i efterhand till avsnitt 3.17 jag lägger upp dom med Chuck coh Blair =)

Här finns dom andra :)

Leighton meesters- Love is a drug

Hittade en bild på Leighton meester skiva som kommer ut i sommar, Love is a drug. Såhär kommer troligen framsidan se ut =)

Vad hon har på sig:

Dolce & Gabbana Spring 2009 Bustier
Louis Vuitton Fall 2009 Daisy Chain Necklace
Van Cleef & Arpels Ruban Ring
David Yurman 26/16 Black Onyx Wheaton Ring

väldigt rooosssaaa!

Japp gjorde lite ändringa men dom är bara tillfälliga! :P SKA fixa om headern ordentligt, jag har ofta så svårt att bestämma mig det är där för jag ändrar designen rätt så ofta :P

Nu säger jag god natt!

Fler bilder på Ed från Vouges och Express 30 års dag!

Tydligen så efter Cw upfront så åkte Ed till Vouges och Express 30 års dag. Eller det kanske är samma fest?! har faktiskt inte koll. =P

På bra humör var han i allafall så söt! :P

Finns fler bilder här :D

Ed på CW upfronts party

Ed var på CW upfronts party. =) bara jag som tyckte hatten kanske var lite mycket x)

NAAW bilden ovanför såg han i allafall gullig ut i sin hatt ^^

Han såg ut att vara på bra humör! =) tycker det var länge sedan man såg han på så bra humör på bild =)

Ny bild på casten!

Har kommit ut en ny bild på hela gossip girl gänget :)

Jag nås på mejlen ni kan skicka allt som tips, bilder m.m :) Skriv gärna!

Följ bloggen på Bloglovin

ÄR så himla snabb på såna här tekniska saker *host* men iallafall nu kan ni följa bloggen på bloglovin. Klicka på ikonen till höger eller på den här :)

Ha det :)

SPOILERS till säsong 4 :)

En spoiler för hur säsong 4 ska börja :) om ni inte vill veta läs inte efter denhär meningen!

The CW release a small synsopsis how the 4th season of Gossip Girl will start,

GOSSIP GIRL: Season four will open with a radiant Serena and Blair enjoying their grand and romantic summer in Paris…until Chuck mysteriously arrives in town with a new girlfriend and a new identity. Blair swore off Chuck forever but will this changed man woo Blair into having a change of heart, or will Queen B set her sights on ruling Columbia University? And as for that baby…?

På svenska :
CW släppa en liten synsopsis hur den 4: e säsongen av Gossip Girl börjar, Gossip Girl: Säsong fyra kommer att öppna med en strålande Serena och Blair njuter av sin storslagna och romantiska sommaren i Paris ... tills Chuck mystiskt anländer till staden med en ny flickvän och en ny identitet. Blair svor av Chuck för evigt men kommer denna förändrade man woo Blair in med en ändring av hjärta eller kommer Queen B som siktet på dom Columbia University? Och som för att barnet ...?

Varför jag är så imot Ed och Jessica

Fråga: varför tycker du att dem inte ska vara tillsammans undrar....? Det låter lite roligt

Jag är igentligen inte imot Jessia så mycket som det kanske låter men det är det att jag tycker hon verkar inte vara någon man kan lita på, men vad vet jag. Jag känner ju inte henne =)

Men jag är fortfarande glada för dom, man ska ju alltid vara glad om någon har hittat kärleken och kan hålla i den så länge :)

På lördag...

Ja på lördag tänkte jag sitta och summera säsong 3 :) Skriva lite kort vad som hände i varje avsnitt och sånt kanske lägger in en kommentar om vad jag tycket om just det avsnittet :)

Hoppas ni tycker det verkar vara intressant! :D

Leighton Meester på Rachel Ray

NU har det kommit ut ett klipp från när Leighton meester besökte rachel ray :)

Jessica och Ed har ej gjort slut!

Nu har det kommit ut att Ed och Jessica inte har gjort slut! Grattis till dom :) själv tycker jag inte Ed ska vara ihop med hennne x)

Har kollat på massa klipp

Har kollat på massa klipp från sista avsnittet som har kommit ut och OMG vilket slut! :O längtar tills jag får se hela avsnittet!

Ed ute ensam i LA

Har kommit ut bilder från Ed när han var ute ensam i LA vid Crown Bar Lounge.

Diggar hans klädstil sååå mycket!! :D:D

2 nya sneak peaks till avsnitt 3x22 !!! :D

Har kommit ut två nya sneak peaks till nästa avsnitt!! :D

I båda så är Blair med :D


jätte dålig kvalitet men en ny promo för avsnitt 3.22

Har kommit ut en ny promo till sista avsnittet! :) Det är england som har kommit ut med en ny.

Jag vet, jätte dåligt ljud och dålig bild


Visst inte vad jag skulle skriva för överskrivt så. Men klippen är lite små roliga! :)

0.34 på första klippet: naaaww kolla hur dom kollar på varandra :) <3<3

2 jätte fina bilder på leighton

Har kommit ut två jätte fina bilder från Leightons fotografering med Herbal Essenses :)


Det här trodde jag inte... jag trodde "äntligen" att Ed att hade gjort slut med Jessica men det var tydligen fel. Dom var ute och gick och höll hand i går i Los Angeles. Jag tycker han är bättre utan henne :P

Kul att ni ställer så många frågor :)

Blir jätte glad att ni ställer så många frågor, ni verkar vilja vet mycket om vem jag är så nu tänkte jag fråga alla. Vill ni veta vem jag är??

Om många vill så kommer jag berätta om mig själv och lägga upp en bild ;)

Här är en teaser :P

Del 5 av fanfiction om Chuck och Blair :)

Fortsättningen till fanfiction YOU MAKE ME FUNNY! :D

Här kommer 5 delen!

Chuck woke up with a smile. He quickly took his clothes for today and went to bathroom to shower. While he stood under the hot water his thoughts wandered back to one hot and gorgeous as hell brunette and her amazing lips.


Yesterday night went pretty well like he had planned. If not this secret he was sure she has, it would be perfect. He wasn't even disappointment that much about the fact that they hadn't slept together. He could wait.


After their date he wanted her. All of her, not only her body for one night. Though she has amazing legs… and all the rest for sure. But when he was riding in his limo last night after he kissed her goodbye, and what a kiss it was, he decided she would be his.


He can do all this boyfriend things if it means she will be his and he would have this feeling all the time. This strange feeling he had felt since he had met her was even stronger when she kissed him last night. He had felt fluttering and maybe after all he wasn't just sick.


He remembered Nathaniel talking about 'butterflies' one time when his best friend had met Serena. At the time he had of course laughed at him and called him a pussy. Well maybe his blond friend was right about something for once.


He still obviously wanted to sleep with her as he isn't Chuck Bass for nothing. But even now he knew one time wouldn't be enough for him. He had now a mission and he always wins. Chuck decided to start tomorrow as that was the soonest he will see her again. She doesn't stand a chance against his plan.


With that thought he stepped out of the shower and dressed himself in the dark pants and pink shirt he picked out before. After combing his hair he grabbed his phone to call for someone more experienced at this 'relationship's things'. He pushed one on his speed dial and waited putting his scarf on. He was out in the elevator when his friend finally picked up.


'Hello Nathaniel. Remember our lunch plans tomorrow? I have to back out but how about brunch today?' He asked and after receiving 'Sure man' he smirked. 'Great. Meet me in my new club in twenty.' He added before hanging up. It figures Chuck Bass would have brunch in the club. They had the best scotch after all. He had made sure of it himself.


On the other side of the town Blair woke up with similar big grin. Last night was really one of the best she had had in a while. Damn, it was the best one for sure; and in a rather long while.


As much as she loved spending time with Serena and Nate it was good not being third wheel for once. It wasn't that they wanted to make her feel like that but sometimes you can't help it when you're in the theatre with two people so obviously in love with each other.


Serena has tried to find her someone but even she had given up eventually after another awkward dinner. She really hasn't had much luck with the guys. Not to mention Serena's choices wasn't the best one. A computer maniac, really? Way to bore her to death.


She had to admit though that Chuck was not that bad after all. He was really nice to her – in his own way of nice obviously – and lessened his disgusting comments a bit. She wasn't sure why he was this way, she had thought before their date he will make her night a living hell, but she wasn't going to think too much about it for now.


What had her thinking a lot on the other hand was the end of their evening. She had kissed him! It was amazing as he sure knew how to kiss. Well with his reputation she shouldn't be surprised.


The only thing was that he then left with just a 'Goodnight' and a kiss on the cheek. He didn't even seem to want to go up or take her somewhere else. And the absolutely worst thing is that she isn't sure if she would say no.


Blair spent some time thinking so when she got up it was already after eleven. She quickly took a shower and dressed in dark jeans and her favorite white top.


She looked at her clock and spotted she had only half an hour to get to Serena so she decided to pin her hair up and put red lipstick on.


After she had some cereals; Blair left the apartment and took a cab to her best friend's place. She was there after ten minutes and in the elevator in next two. She fixed her hair, which had fallen out of place, and knocked at the door.


Nate opened few seconds later and she heard fast steps with loud 'mommy' before she saw her son with Serena in tow. He was by her in no time. They hugged and said quick goodbyes to the blondes.


Some time later they were standing in front of the pond in the park, Christopher holding Blair's hand. She has always loved coming here as a child with her dad so she decided one day to bring her baby too and he has loved it just like her.


From that Monday they were here at least once in the month. Jenny never came here with the boy because that was their secret bonding place like she used to call it.


When the bread, which Blair had packed in her bag when she was leaving, ended she asked a question that was a tradition too.


'Want to get some ice cream now?' She asked though she had obviously known the answer. Come on, which four years old would refuse it?


'Yes mommy! Let's get a big ice cream! A blue one! Please, can we get a blue one?' He asked and she knew she wouldn't be able to say no even if she'd want to. He had the cutest little brown eyes ever. And from some time eat only this weird blue ice creams called 'Harry Potter' (I don't know if they have it in America but we have it here and I think it is weird lol) or in some places something even more idiotic.


'Sure baby. Let's go.' She replied and they went in the shop direction.


Meanwhile Chuck was sitting in his new club, drinking scotch while waiting for his best friend. He was going to call him again but just then he has walked in. They shook hands and Nate ordered some juice.


'Isn't it too early for it?' He asked looking at brunette's glass.


'It's never too early for good drink Nathaniel.' He answered and the blond laughed while shaking his head.


The bartender gave him his juice and after quick 'Thanks' they were alone.


'So why did you wanted to meet earlier?'


'You have to help me with something.'


'Why do I have a feeling it has to do with certain brown eyed friend of mine?' He asked with a smile.


'Well good to know you are getting cleverer by each second Nathaniel. Now would you just tell me something useful?' Chuck asked back annoyed. Was he really that obvious with his interest in Blair?


'The only thing I can tell you is that her birthday is next Wednesday. Serena and I are throwing her a party. Our place seven o'clock. If you want my advice – bring nice gift. Blair loves her birthday and she's like a child with the presents.' He said with a grin but then get more serious.


'But you should think twice before you do something because honestly she may not seem so but she has been through a lot believe me. And if you're not going to be serious about it leave her alone. She is a really awesome woman when you get to know her better and she doesn't need another trouble.'


'Don't worry Nathaniel; I'm as serious as you can be.' He replied and got up. 'Thanks for everything. Take care.' He added and left before the blonde could say something more.


He was driving in his limo when he thought about their talk again. There it was. He finally admitted to someone other than himself that he was serious about Blair. That he doesn't want to just fuck her anymore. And it couldn't be truer.


They arrived in front of the store and he got out saying his driver to wait for him. Time to buy his new obsession a gift. After all which woman doesn't love jewelry?

Tack för alla kommentarer! <3

Jag blir så glad när jag får kommentarer av er! Det är verkligen kul att ni berättar vad ni tycker om bloggen :)

Nu ska jag försöka klarna upp några frågor ni har :)

Asså du skriver jue om Gossip girl, men du har ju inriktat dig mest på "Chuck och Blair" varför just dem?? Efter som bloggen heter BlairochChuck....

Jag har valt själv att inrikta mig på dom två för jag är tycker dom är mest intressanta att skriva om. :P Det blir så himla svårt att skriva om alla tycker jag men jag kan rekomendera att gå in på den här gossipgirl bloggen. Som skriver om alla i gänget :)

Och här kommer fråga med spoilers till avsnittet som gick i USA i måndags

OMG!!! I cant belive it!! Serena och Dan kanske känner nåt för varandra ändå, fasst det vore ju lite konstigt?? :S
Jag hatar verkligen Jenny hon måste alltid försöra för serena hela tiden.

jag såg den senaste avsnittet av gossip girl på ch131, och i slutet kom jenny till nate kommer dem typ ha s...e....??

Jaa det undrar jag också. Men jag har ingen aning. Kanske så sover Jenny med Nate eller inte. Vi får se på måndag ;)

Två sneak peaks till sista avsnittet

Nu har det kommit ut två nya sneak peaks till sista avsnittet! Jag vill så gärna se det avsnittet nu!!

Chuck and Blair promo för sista avsnittet "chair forever"

Kommit ut en chuck and blair promo SPOILERS till sista avsnittet

Vet du vad som kommer att hända i slutet av säsongen?? När man läser din blogg känns det som om du redan har sett alla pogram av säsong 3....

När kommer säsong 4 sändas i svergie??

Jag har mina aningar hur säsong slutar men jag vet inte säkert. Jag gör det bara för att jag söker på ALLT om Gossip girl nästan varje dag. Så jag får veta många spoilers bara för att jag är tvungen att läsa många texter och kolla på klipp. Sen så väljer jag ut vilka jag ska skriva på bloggen. Men oftast så lägger jag ut allt jag som läser :)

Vet ej när säsong 4 kommer till sverige. Dom har inte börjat spela in den än. Men om det är som vanligt så tror jag den kommer i slutet av september. :)

Längre promo för avsnitt 3.22 SISTA AVSNITTET


Längre promo än den jag postade nedanför

trailer till sista avsnittet! STORA SPOILERS

NU har promo för sista avsnittet kommit ut! STOR SPOILERS I DEN!!

Fler bilder till sista avsnittet "The Last Tango, Then Paris"

Har kommit ut fler bilder till sista avsnitttet!

Gossip girl säsong 4 spelas in i Paris!

Jepp som i överskiften. Nästa säsong ska ett antal avsnitt spelas in Paris, tror dock inte alla (men vad vet jag:S :P)

Så här skriver Josh som producerar Gossip girl på sin Twitter!

Spoilers till sista avsnittet! :D:D

Just nu har Leighton,Ed och Blake varit i Paris och spelat in sista scenerna till sista avsnitt,enligt en hemsida ;)
Finns dock inga bildbevis



Det här kommer inkluderas i sista avsnittet! :O :O:O

I guess it’s “really, really, good” isn’t much of a spoiler. But it’s accurate. The May 17 Gossip Girl sendoff features big payoffs, several OMG! twists, and a Georgina comeback. Enough, if you ask me, to more than make up for an uneven (but not nearly as bad as some people have said!) season. Most importantly, Chuck/Blair fans freaking out over a certain spoiler-laced European trailer that shows the couple nearing third base should simmer down and judge things after watching the entire hour — a sentiment echoed by exec producer Stephanie Savage.

“I really encourage people who have seen that promo to tune in and watch the whole episode in context,” she pleads. “Those were a few moments that were taken out of context to create the most salacious experience possible. And some people who are having a negative reaction to what they’re seeing I think will have a different reaction when they see it in context. Everyone’s making decisions that are reasonable based on the information that they have.”

In other words, Savage and Co. wouldn’t do you, or your faves, wrong. “This is a story that has been three years in the telling — going back to the pilot,” she reminds us. “And that’s a story that we’ll keep telling in season 4. So I don’t think it’s coming out of nowhere. And it lands on everybody. It lands on Dan, Blair, Serena, Rufus, Lily, Nate — every single person has a POV about this, and we’re going to see these ripple effects over time. “

For now, though, here are eight tantalizing teases to calm you down, wind you up or, most likely, both. Next Monday’s capper will include a:
· Threesome
· Departure
· Mini time-jump
· Engagement ring!
· Shooting
· Birth
· Shocking OMG! twist
· A pair of spectacular Jenny smackdowns at the hands of Blair (Leighton Meester never better!)

Feel better now? Get it all out of your system below.

Del 4 av fanfiction om Chuck och Blair :)

Här kommer del 4 av fanfiction " YOU MAKE ME FUNNY"

(Bilden har inget med texten att göra)

Blair was relieved when they finally arrived. She couldn't possibly relax in the limo when he was sitting opposite her watching her with his stupid smirk. She had felt as he was reading her mind and it wasn't in any way pleasant.


He infuriated her and there wasn't a moment she didn't want to strangle him with his stupid bowtie that annoyingly matched her dress. What does he think? That they are some lovely dovely couple?


Yeah, right like that would ever happen. Over her dead body she would be with someone like him.


They entered the ball room in one of his hotels and she felt everyone eyes on them. He was a CEO, obviously everyone watched him.


He took her hand and before she could pull it away he started walking towards the table in the left corner. She decided to just go with him and sat down when he pulled out the chair for her.


She looked at him when he didn't sit next to her. She raised her eyebrow asking him what's the matter.


'I'll go get us drinks.' He said winking at her and walking away.


She shook her head but a small smile showed on her face. She had never met anyone so arrogant but for some reason she caught herself thinking he was cute.


What the hell? Snap out of it Blair! He is heinous not adorable, hot and sexy as hell. Ohh God this champagne had to be stronger than she had thought. Maybe this Basshole mixed it with something since there is definitely something wrong with her.


She turned around and saw him on the other side of the room talking to some older man leaning against the bar. He ended the conversation shaking hands with the businessman and took their drinks from the bartender starting his way back to her.


She was glad as she had feared that he would leave her all alone and even thought he was a pain in the ass she didn't know anyone here so it was really a better option.


'Here you go.' He said handing her a martini and sitting down on the chair closest to her making her shift uncomfortable.


'Thanks.' She thanked him with a smile that surprisingly for her wasn't faked like her usual one for someone other than Christopher or her friends.


'You're welcome.' He replayed sipping his scotch. He really drank it a lot she noticed.


'So tell me something about you.' Chuck said placing his glass on the table.


'What?' She asked pulled out of her thoughts about his drinking habits.


'I want to know more about you. So tell me about your life. What does Blair Waldorf do after work?' He asked moving his hand on her knee. It sent shivers through her body but she pretended to not notice it instead of shaking it off.


'Nothing interesting.' She said with a shrug. 'I'm not really a party girl. Besides I wouldn't have time as all my time takes…' She stopped in the last moment with widened eyes.


She almost let it slip! She almost told him she had a child! It's not that she was ashamed of Christopher because he was her whole world but she knew Chuck would never look at her again if he knew. And for some reason she didn't want that.


She saw that he was looking at her curiously. What she didn't know was that he was thinking if she was going to tell him about her mysterious boyfriend or whoever he was and was interested why she stopped.


'Serena!' She spitted out quickly trying unsuccessfully to cover her mistake. 'She's my best friend! We are like sisters really, can't stand to be too long apart, you know… We watch the movies, go shopping and do all this girly things together!' She ended trying to look relaxed even though inside she was shaking with fear.


'I hope I could join you some time.' He said deciding to ignore her slip and took one of her chocolate curls in his hand. She just rolled her eyes and swatted it away.


'Do you live alone?' He asked angry at his inability to stop himself but he really wanted to know if he has some serious competition.


He looked at his scotch thinking it has to be something wrong with it since he never before thought about getting rid of the woman partner before doing something with her.


Fuck, he was using 'doing something' now instead of fucking. Maybe he is sick. Yeah, that's probably it. There was something wrong with this steak he had earlier for lunch for sure.


'I…' She started thinking fast about her answer. What she should tell him? It was getting more difficult with each second. 'Yeah. I have apartment near Bass Industries. And what about you?' She asked to move the conversation from her to him. 'What is the great CEO doing in his free time?'


'Well first I'm delighted you think I'm great.' He said smugly moving his hand further up her leg. 'And to answer your question, I actually like to go out when I'm free though it doesn't happen often how you probably noticed.'


'I thought you would.' She murmured under her breath.


'You were saying something?' He asked smirking.


'Just that I thought you would like to party from what I heard.' She told him finally shaking his hand off of her leg when he tried to pull up her dress.


'You shouldn't always listen to what the others are saying.' He said putting his arm around her back on her chair instead.


'Really?' She asked showing him her own smirk that could almost rival his.


'Really.' He repeated kissing her cheek lightly.


They spent rest of the evening talking more about their interests, avoiding the topic about private life though Chuck was dying to find out what she was hiding.


He decided to let it go for now since he didn't want to scare her off when she seemed to open up a bit. He was relieved she cut off her bitch act a little though it was hot as hell if he was to say so.


Later he had to leave her for a little while to talk with his investors as it was one of the reasons for these parties. He walked away with a promise to be back soon.


As she watched him go into his businessman mode when he was with his co-workers she realized that she actually had a good time this evening. She really didn't want to go but under his ass cover Chuck turned out to be great guy to talk with and well he WAS incredible handsome.


She talked with some older wives, who were eager to find out if she was young Bass first girlfriend as she didn't look like his usual 'dates' for this events. She dismissed them with a 'we're just working together' smiling sweetly.


She let out a relieved sigh when he rescued her from their annoying company appearing behind her. He put his arm around her waist and smiled charmingly.


'If you could excuse us ladies. I have to kidnap my date for a minute.' The women smiled charmed.


'Of course Charles. It was nice to meet you Blair.' Blair nodded with a polite smile and they quickly walked off.


'Thank God. I though they were going to bore me to the death.' She moaned putting her hand on her forehead.


'I'm happy I could help.' He chuckled and helped her put her coat on. When they were dressed he held the door open for her and walked out after her.


They rode back in the silence but this time it was comfortable. She felt great for the first time in very long, having fun night.


They parked outside her building and after the driver opened the door he helped her got out. She stood next to him feeling like she had after her first date in High School, having no idea what to do.


Should she invite him up? Christopher was at Serena's and he was spending the night there. Nate sent her a message that he was asleep and there was no point for her to drive there to pick him up at night when she could do it in the morning and she agreed.


Before she could decide what to do, he moved closer to her and she couldn't explain later how it happened but a second later her lips were pressed to his. She put her arms around his neck and he brought her closer circling her waist.


She could kiss him forever as he tasted amazing and it WAS months since she kissed someone. Still it was different than any kiss she ever shared and she was actually disappointment when he pulled away.


He took his arms from her waist and looked her in the eyes; she saw there something else besides his usual smugness. Before she could think more about it he spoke.


'I had great time tonight. Goodnight Blair.' He said and kissed her cheek softly before getting in the limo and disappearing a moment later.


She stood there for few seconds holding her palm to her cheek before going up with a smile.

Del 3 av fanfiction om Chuck och Blair :)

Ni kan ladda ner Gimp på den här hemsidan :)

Nu kommer del 3 till fanfictionen YOU MAKE ME FUNNY! :)
För det är alltid lite bra med söndagsläsning ;)

Jag har inte skrivit den men tycker den är jätte bra.

(Bilden har inget med historien att göra)

I know you waited for the date and it will be in next one – Blair has to have time to get ready, right?

It was Saturday and Blair was officially freaking out. In two hours she had to go to the company's party with the CEO of mentioned company. And to it all it was Chuck Bass who was known for bedding almost all females who worked or are working with him.

In one word he was probably going to try to have sex with her too. Not that she would go with it. But what if he won't try anything? That would mean she isn't even enough for someone without any standards. She shook her head at this thought and went to the bathroom.

Christopher was playing in his room with the new toys he had got from aunt Serena and uncle Nate. He was dressed in grey pants and his favourite blue sweater. He was ready to go when Serena will come to pick him up but she was nowhere near being ready.

She took a shower and stood in the towel in front of her mirror in the closet. She fortunately lost all of the baby weight soon after the birth not really trying hard. But now since she didn't go out much she had nothing to wear! She didn't want to look like some sluty interns and secretaries she saw this week, who wore not leaving much to imagination skirts and tops barely covering their chest.

But she had to look hot too. Not for the Basstard of course just to show him she can look good so he will know what he had lost when she will go home instead of wherever he takes them. She had to look classy but sexy.

Before she decided on the dress she heard a ring and after putting her red robe on she went to open the door. There stood her best friend and her boyfriend. They really made a perfect couple. Both blonde and as much as she loved them she had to admit they weren't most clever people she knew.

But that was what made them so awesome. They were both carefree and walked through life having fun. Everyone loved Serena's bright laugh and Nate's all the time confusion.

They were Christopher's godparents and Blair could really always count on them to look after him or help her when she had one of this moments when she was tried as even thought he was her everything she was after all twenty something single mom.

She hugged them both calling her boy. He was there as fast as his little legs let him. He threw himself at them and Nate lifted him up taking him in his strong arms.

She smiled at this and helped him put his yellow jacket on. Blair kissed his cheek promising to pick him up later. They waved goodbye and she closed the door with a sigh. Time to go back to reality. She had an hour to get ready so she went back to her room.

She spent twenty minutes looking through her clothes before deciding on the purple dress with narrowed straps hooked over her shoulders, which showed her back but not too much to be impropriate. The dress ended little above her knee and she added to it black pumps.

She put on her signature red lipstick, dark eyeliner and mascara. After a thought she pinned her hair back showing her neck. She smiled at the sight of her in the mirror. She looked damn good and he better appreciate it. She looked down at her wrist watch and saw she had ten minutes before his arrival.

She didn't want him to come up here so she decided to wait outside. She threw on her black coat and took her purse shoving her cell phone in it. She always had it with her if something with Christopher happened. Or sometimes she just needed to hear him when she was in the need of cheer up.

She locked the door and took the elevator. After wishing good night to her neighbor, old lady who lived alone and was really nice, she walked out of the building and after five minutes black limo parked in front of her. Well it's obvious he would travel in a limo. She shrugged at the thought what else he probably does there.

He stepped out of it and was surprised at her sight but quickly hid it with his usual smirk. She had to admit he looked handsome in his black suite with a matching her dress purple bowtie.

She didn't know what to say – first time in her life – so she waited for him to start this probably awkward conversation. She had her coat open so it showed her form underneath it and when he stared at her for a few seconds not saying anything she covered herself. He then looked up and offered her his hand.

'You look stunning.' He said with seductive voice. In that moment she could understand all of these girls that fall for him.

'Thanks.' She then took his hand and they got into the limo. She sat next to him but not too close.

He handed her a glass of champagne and she took it thanking him. She would really need much more if she is going to survive this night. Well maybe not so much since she gets drunk rather fast.

She used to have a strong head but when she got pregnant she stopped drinking and since then she rarely drink at all as she had to watch her baby all the time. She didn't want to be a mother that comes drunk home and isn't there most of the time leaving her child with a nannies while she party every night.

'I see you took my advice about the dress.' He said winking at her.

Ok, she had enough. Maybe he did make her feel nervous and strange but so what? That doesn't mean she is supposed to just sit here and listen to this stupid comments of his. She had been doing it all week at work.

'Sorry to disappoint you but you need to let go of any fantasies you had about me doing anything for you or with you.' She replayed smiling sweetly.

'Well you're here, going with ME to the party as my date. You knew we're going together so I'd say you dressed for me. And I'm sure we'll find some other interesting things to do later.' He said suggestively putting his hand on her thigh.

'It's not like I had a choice and just so you know I chose this dress especially for this cute guy from finance's department. I'm sure he will like it, don't you think?' She asked shaking his hand off. She was confused when he just smirked.

'You meant John? I never thought you like them older. I'm just concerned about him when he will see you in this,' He motioned at her outfit. 'you know at his age he can not survive next heart attack.' He ended smugly.

'Ughh.' She huffed and glared at him. 'That still doesn't mean I will be doing anything with you tonight.'

'We'll see about that.' He said refueling his scotch. She poured herself more champagne since he didn't have anything other and she never liked scotch. Hopefully they will have something stronger at this party.

Serena and Nate took Christopher to their apartment and were now watching new Toy Story movie. It was for the boy but they secretly loved this series. And few other for that matter.

They were all eating ice creams and Serena stood up to go get more pineapples ones as Christopher liked them best. She walked to kitchen and her boyfriend quickly went after her.

'Do you think Chuck could be a guy for Blair?' She asked taking out the box from the freezer.

'I'm not sure. I told you he isn't really boyfriend type but maybe he finally got tried of his womanizing.' He replayed searching in the cupboard for the chocolate.

'I just hope she will have fun tonight. Even if there won't be anything from it she really needs it. She will eventually go crazy from sitting in home all the time.' She said putting the ice creams to the boy's bowl.

'I think that if there is a girl that would tame Chuck it's definitely Blair. You know how she gets sometimes.' He told his girlfriend finally finding the chocolate. They took the snacks and started walking back to the salon.

'Oh yes, Blair can be a bitch at times.'

'You meant she can not be sometimes.' He said and they laughed. She gave the little guy his bowl and they sat back on the couch to end the movie.

MAJOR SPOILER för avsnitt 3.21 !!

Klipp med massor av spoiler till nästa avsnitt. Det är dock inga dialoger bara musik men det är flera bilder och filmklipp i den :)

Programet som jag anväder för desiger är GIMP det är gratis och jag tycker det är jätte bra :)

nya sneak peaks till avsnitt 3x21 + svar på fråga

Svar på fråga : Hur många avsnitt har säsong 3? Den har 22 avsnitt :)

Leigton Meester har en pojkvän, om hon inte har gjort slut med honom ;) Tror verkligen inte att hon har varit med Robert Pattinson.

Nya sneak peaks till nästa avsnitt!

Del 2 av fanfiction om Chuck och Blair :)

Här kommer del två av en fanfiction om Chuck och Blair :)

Här är del 1 om ni har missat den :)

Chuck Bass felt weird. He made an idiot from himself today in front of the women and it was the first time in his life. But he had never met someone like that. Sure he was surrounded by hot girls all his life but she was something else.

So when he saw her for the first time he just stood there with his mouth literally open looking at his new assistant in her white, reminding him of school one shirt with her brown hair curled and running down her back and this lips. She had the most perfect bloody red lips ever.

And now he felt something that was completely strange for him. He actually wanted to spend time with her. Get to know her better and surprisingly not only by one night sex. Sure he would still do her as he isn't Chuck Bass for no reason.

That's why he invited or rather forced her to go with him to Saturday's party. He would normally bring some 'better mannered' than his usual ones conquest and leave with two more.

But he thought this way he would have ideal occasion to sleep with his new obsession and in the same time get rid of it as he was sure it will be done the moment he will have her. With that thought he walked down to his limo and told his driver to take him to his new club so he could get a drink.

It was Friday and he found himself feeling excited at the thought of tomorrow evening. And he was even more when she walked in dressed with shorter than usual skirt that showed perfectly her amazing legs. He greeted her with his usual nod and unfortunately had to leave for board meeting.

This few days that passed they actually hadn't talk about anything other than work and he was hoping she didn't forget about their date. Well technically it wasn't really a date but whatever.

After the meeting ended he went back to his office but stopped before his hand touched the door handle when he heard someone talking inside. His brows furrowed as no one should be there without his permission, well no one but Blair but why would she talk to herself?

He moved his head closer and could make out that it really was her voice. She must talked to someone over the phone than. He silently pushed the door opening them a little and saw her sitting behind her desk with her back facing him.

'Yes baby I miss you too. I promise I'll see you at lunch in an hour. I have to go. Bye sweetie!' She ended and he quickly stepped back when she started to turn around.

He ran his hand through his hair, which was his habit when he was pissed and he was now. So she was with someone? Than why the hell she agreed to go with him? Ok so maybe she didn't exactly do it but he had asked her if she has a date! She could tell him she has a boyfriend! Or fiancée. Or husband. No she can't be married.

Not that it was ever the problem for him but for some reason he didn't want her to be with anyone else. What? Since when does he care? He doesn't. So what if she's with someone? He will still sleep with her tomorrow and get it all over with. And today he will follow her to this lunch and see this jerk. Maybe he should get rid of him too. Just to be safe.

He was even angrier one hour later when his secretary informed him of this really important meeting that absolutely couldn't wait. It turned out to be two hours spent in his account's office completely without a point for him and it made him miss her exit for lunch. Well he will just wait for tomorrow.

Blair grabbed her purse and quickly went out of the office and got into the elevator with a sigh. She was happy to get out of the room before her boss came back. Apart from the first day and this 'date' thing she was actually satisfied with her new job.

She and Chuck talked only about business and he wasn't so bad if not count his annoying comments and smirks he would give her from time to time. But today after he got back from his weekly, which she had found out from Amanda, board meeting he was really moody and snapped at her for nothing few times. She was glad to leave for her break and she had ten minutes to get to the restaurant where Serena was waiting at her.

She paid the cab driver and walked in just on time. At once she spotted a mess of dark brown hair next to long blonde one and quickly rushed in their direction. She was by the table in few seconds and the little boy was in her arms in the next. She hugged him tight and pulled back to look at him.

'Hi baby. Did you have fun with aunt Serena?' She asked looking in his brown eyes. Luckily for her he looked just like her only male version. She was happy about it after he was born as even thought she knew she would love him no matter what when she saw him for the first time, she didn't want to think about his father.

It was one big mistake to ever get involved with him but she loved her baby boy and wouldn't change anything that happened. Sure he had left the moment he found out that his high school girlfriend was pregnant but she knew they were both better without him now no matter how hard it was at the beginning.

Her mother had kicked her out when she refused to get an abortion but her dad paid for the place for her. She started the college and took only two weeks break to give a birth to little Christopher Waldorf and then took final exams.

She was afraid during the pregnancy as she hadn't got anyone to help her deal with it and she was only eighteen. Serena was away at Brown but still she was grateful for her help when she would come to New York because of her one call when she would have a break down. But the moment she had met his son she knew she would do anything for him.

So she had taken the next year off and continued school next fall leaving him with the nanny. Her heart broke each time but she knew she had to end school to get a good job and make sure he has everything he needs. She ended NYU this year and now worked in the most successful company in New York.

They now lived in the beautiful apartment on Manhattan and she was perfectly happy. She didn't want to give herself and Christopher any hopes so she removed feelings and mans from her life.

'I did mommy. We were in the park and I played with Bear!' He said sounding excited as he should be for his age. Bear was Serena's new puppy and he loved to play with him.

'That's awesome sweetie. Now let's sit down so we can order.' She said and hugged her best friend quickly.

'Hi S. Thanks for looking after him today. Jenny had to do something important and I couldn't take the day off on my first week.' They sat down and then a young waiter appeared. After he left with their order Serena took Blair's hand.

'It's fine B. You know I love my little godson.' She said messing up his hair with her hand. He glared at her and Blair and Serena laughed. He was like his mother trying to order everyone around even when he was twenty years younger than them.

Their food arrived and she told her best friend more about her new job and tomorrow's date.

'I can't go S! It's stupid, I don't go on dates.' She ended with a sigh.

'And that's exactly why you should go. Come on Blair! You have to loose a bit finally. You hadn't gone out with someone for five years! I'm sure you will have fun. Right Christopher? Tell mommy she should go while we will have our own fun watching the movies.' Her son looked up from his meal and smiled at her.

'You go mommy.' He said and she couldn't help but smile as he looked adorable with ketchup all over his mouth. She shook her head and wiped it off.

'Ok I'll go. It's not like I have a choice anyway. I'll get him ready to go at six tomorrow. Thanks again S and I'll pick him up in three hours. Bye!' She stood up and kissed his forehead before walking to the door. He waved and she sent him last smile.

She walked in the office second time this day and Chuck was nowhere to be seen. She was thinking if he had maybe forgot about their 'date', which wouldn't be that bad but she saw a note from him on her desk.

I won't be back today so leave the papers on my desk.

I'll pick you up at seven. Put on something sexy and shorter.


She threw it to the trash with anger. Who does he think he is to write her something like this? Well if he wants shorter he should find himself some whore though she was sure he has plenty of them. But she was Blair Waldorf and no one will tell her what to do.


Finns såklart en forsättning, lägger upp den ikväll eller i morgon !

Kvällens bild

Får bli en kvällens bild innan jag går och lägger mig :)

Saknar det lyckliga paret Chuck och Blair </3

Ed Westwick ute i LA i förr går.

Har kommit ut 3 bilder från när Ed var ute i förrgår med en kompis. Finns även ett video klipp men han är bara med i början. Sen undrar jag om jag har helt fel elr om det är Malin Åkerman som är med i filmklippet efter Ed??

Han ser lite dyster ut :(

OMFG!!! engelska promo till sista avsnittet!!

Hittade promo för sista avsnittet av gossip girl från england. JAG tappade seriöst hakan när jag såg den!! :O:O



Ni som har sett den, dör inte ni oxå typ? :O:O

Ed westwick på LAX airport! :) sååå snygg!

Igår var Ed Westwick på Lax airport, den ligger i Los Angelses om någon inte visste det. Jag tyckte han var sååå snyygg. Älskar hans outfit! :D

Leighton Meester promotar herbal essences produkter i Madrid

I går var Leighton Meeester i Madrid och promoade nya produkter för Herbal Essences. Hon såg jätte vacker tycker jag! :) älskar klänningen :)

2 sneak peaks till avsnitt 3x21

Har kommit ut två sneak peaks till nästa avsnitt i USA! :)

Blair är med i den första.

Leighton och Stan har inte gjort slut! :)

I går var the MET ball och Leighton var där med Stan :)
SÅ dom är fortfarande tillsammans :D skiit kul tycker jag :) finns dock inga bildbevis men enligt Just Jared så stog dom och hånglade på parkeringen :) gulligt! :D

Här är texten plus några bilder :)

Leighton Meester: MET Ball with Sebastian Stan!

Leighton Meester: MET Ball with Sebastian Stan!

Leighton Meester hits up the MET Ball with on-again boyfriend Sebastian Stan held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Monday (May 3) in New York City.

The 24-year-old Gossip Girl actress wore a floor-sweeping Marc Jacobs gown and clutch, Cathy Waterman jewels and Georgina Goodman shoes. (Leighton was super late because her movie The Oranges wrapped late that night.)

Leighton and Sebastian are definitely still together,” a source exclusively tells “They were making out in car parked outside the Mark Hotel but only Sebastian got out to attend the after-party, where N.E.R.D. killed their performance!”

Leight and Seb later met up at the 18th floor of The Standard Hotel, but left separately.

The Costume Institute Gala Benefit celebrates the opening of the “American Woman: Fashioning a National Identity” exhibition.

Read more:


Längre promo för avsnitt 3.21

Promo för näst sista avsnittet! :O :P Jag tycker det avsnittet verkar spännande :)

3.21 promo

Promo för nästa avsnitt i USA! :)

Good natt :)

Tänkte säga god natt alla och lägga in dagens bild det var länge sedan:)
Nu ska jag plugga vidare :)

Erkänn att bilden är ursöt!!

nytt klipp från kvällen avsnitt i USA 3x20

Har kommit ut ett nytt klipp dock bara med Dan och Vanessa

Fel på mejladressen :)

Hej hoppas allt är bra ute i sverige. Jag har fixat ett fel jag såg idag det var att mejladressen var fel. :P
Klumpigt av mig att inte se något ^^ Hoppas ni godtar min ursäkt.

Mejladressen är:

Så om ni har försökt att mejla och inte kommit fram är det därför.

Men mejla gärna jag älskar att få brev!

Hope you forgives me ^^

nya sneak peaks till avsnitt 3x20

Har kommit ut 3 till sneak peaks :) Blir sista inlägget för ikväll för jag måste plugga :)

En bra fanfiction om Chuck och Blair :)

Läs den är jätte bra :) om ni gillar denhär delen så kan jag posta dom andra delarna oxå :)

Novellen heter You make me feel funny

Innan ni läser
* Den är helt på hittade
* Jag har inte gjort den
* I början känner dom inte varandra.

Del 1

Blair Waldorf woke up to the annoying sound of the alarm in her phone. She laid in the bed for few seconds before getting up with a sigh. She was really tried after staying up late last night and having to get up early for her job on the Monday morning.

But she was happy she actually got it as she was looking for one for two weeks until yesterday's call. It was really luckily that her best friend's boyfriend's best friend, or something like that, was looking for an assistant.

It wasn't her dream job but it will have to do for now as she really needed it after she lost her previous month ago. She wasn't going to let her old disgusting boss grope her when he feels like it and she had told him this. And she had become jobless.

She didn't have the courage to ask her mother for help as she hadn't talked with her for the last four years. Well it was almost five when she thinks about it. But she was now twenty three and she was fine on her own.

She quickly took a shower and got dressed in brown almost covering her knees skirt and white shirt. Blair got her make up and hair done with her usual 'official' style for work and important meetings. She always looked flawless during them. Well on any other occasion too if you think about it.

She heard a ring and opened the door. She let in Jenny, who helped her for three years now, saying she will call later while putting on her black heels and walked out after she grabbed her purse.

Jenny Humphrey was two years younger than her and was taking late classes as she needed this job to pay for her flat since her parents moved to Canada and she didn't have any other family. She wanted to become a fashion designer and Blair loved her work so she often asked her for the dresses for the parties she would go with Serena to.

She looked at her watch and after deciding she won't be able to make it on time walking she took a cab. She had five minutes left when the car stopped in front of the building so she paid quickly and rushed in. Last thing she wanted on her first day was being late. Luckily she exited the elevator just in time and was told by her new boss's secretary to wait inside.

She walked in the office looking around. It sure looked like it belonged to the men with good taste but not really a life outside the work as she didn't spot any photos or personal stuff. She guessed he doesn't really have time for it as Serena had told her he started running the company at eighteen just after graduation.

She heard the door opening and stood up quickly. He definitely is handsome was her first thought and she told herself to snap out of it fast. Still she couldn't deny the fact that he was gorgeous with his dark cut short hair and looked surprisingly good in the purples shirt and black suit which she would find ridiculous on anyone else. He was looking down at some papers and hadn't spotted her yet so she cleared her throat quietly to get his attention.

He must heard her as he finally looked up and stood still with opened mouth for a few seconds, which made her want to giggle like she hadn't done since high school as he looked adorable and hilarious at the same time, before he seemed to wake up and walked to her quickly.

'Chuck Bass.' He introduced himself and extended his hand to her. She took it with a small smile.

'Blair Waldorf.' She replayed when he brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it looking at her with a smirk, making her blush.

Really, what is the matter with me she thought. She hadn't acted this way ever. She was known from her 'coldness' towards strangers before she decided if she liked them.

He let go of her hand and motioned toward the seat which she took with a 'Thanks'. He then sat in his chair and looked at her showing her his brown eyes, even darker than her own. He had a look that was starting to make her feel uncomfortable because of its intensity.

'I know. You're my new assistant as I heard though Nathaniel hadn't mentioned it's someone so beautiful.' He smirked at her. She gulped and bit her lip when inside she wanted to hit herself with something. Since when some guy with lame texts has any effect on her. She just doesn't do love or even sex since this jerk five years ago.

'Well so where should I start?' She asked. Straight to the point, she really couldn't let herself get involved with any man no matter how sexy he was. She managed it for five years so she surely wouldn't break now.

Besides she heard from Serena that he was a womanizer, who actually never had a girlfriend and it was obvious she wasn't some whore no matter what her mother thinks. She shuddered at thought about Eleanor.

'Amanda, my secretary will show you around and then you can start on the papers I left on your desk.' He motioned on the place in the corner with small desk and the chair. 'It doesn't look too good but it was just brought in this morning when Nathaniel called me. I'll have it replaced by tomorrow. You will also make the calls and invite everybody from the list I will give you to the party on Saturday. That's it for now. I have a meeting but I can't wait to see you later.' He ended with a wink and walked out.

She huffed and he must caught it as she heard him chuckle before he disappeared in the elevator.

After the tour around the office with Amanda, who was a nice older woman not the kind of secretary she would expect from Chuck Bass after what she heard and saw, she quickly started her work.

She ended NYU a year later then her friends as she had to take a year off after the first one and because of that was now simple assistant instead of young lawyer at her dad's office. He offered her the job but she would have to move to France and she really didn't want to leave as her whole life was here. She didn't regret it though as she had a really good reason to stay and not give all of herself to the much demanding job like the one at her father's.

She made quick call to Jenny for a check up and after she made sure everything's ok she got back to the documents not being able to stop thinking about her new annoying boss. She shook her head at how girlish she acted and decided right there to keep their relations strictly professional.

Just then the devil walked in again, arguing with someone over the phone. He didn't even look at her and seemed really pissed.

'Which part in 'it has to be free on Saturday' didn't you understand when I had talked with you last week?' He asked not yelling yet but she could guess he was close. 'Just do it and I want it done by four or come take your things from the office.' He ended hanging up. He then shoved his phone on his desk and turned to her, his expression softening a bit.

'I hope you don't have a date for Saturday. I can't possibly go alone and I don't want to look for someone as I'm busy this week so it will be great opportunity to get to know each other better. We are going to work together for a long time after all.' He said looking at her and she panicked as going together to the party definitely wasn't strictly professional. It wasn't professional in any way. Fast Blair, think about something, she snapped at herself inside.

'No, but I don't think I can go. I mean I have plans. They were... done long time ago and I can't possibly delete it now.' She replayed quickly hoping he will buy it. He raised his eyebrows and smirked. God, how she already hated this smirk of his. She would gladly wipe it off of his face if he was anyone else.

'Well move it. I'll pick you up at seven.' He said it like it was obvious she should do it and sat at his desk. She watched him working for a moment before going back to her with a sigh. Sure she couldn't refuse her boss on her first day if she wanted to keep her job, which she really did.

Fler bilder på Leighton Meester på inspelningarna av The Oranges :)

God morgon alla! Hoppas ni har lika bra väder där ni är som jag! :D
Har hittat flera bilder på Leighton Meester på inspelningarna av The Oranges :)

Bilderna är från den 29 April :)

Älskade Ed Westwick in LA :) <3

Bilder på Ed westwick i LA från den 28/4 :) snyggt klädd tycker jag, men kolla in minen på vissa av bilderna, man blir ju rädd för honom! :O :P

Dom här två första bilderna är så snygga på honom!!! :D:D <3

The Scary pictures of Ed Westwick :O :P

Ed: Vad glor du på? aldrig sett någon med häng haka? :P

Hahaha nej men usch jag skulle inte vilja möta någon på stan som gick runt sådär :P jag skulle bli fett rädd!

Bild från Ed Westwicks inspelning av Charlet Girl

Japp en bild till på Heta Ed Westwick från hans inspelning av filmen Charlet Girl. Han har precis spelat in färdigt den då han har setts i LA. Filmen spelades in i Tyskland :)

kort promo " 2 episodes left"

Bilder på Leighton från inspelningarna av the oranges

Bilderna är från den 29/4 på leighton meester av inspelningarna av The oranges :)

STORA SPOILERS- “The finale is a game changer,

Spoiler in för sista avsnittet av säsongen läs inte om ni inte vill veta :)

Gossip Girl executive producer Stephanie Savage has claimed that the upcoming season finale has a big impact on the characters.

Speaking to TV Guide magazine, Savage teased that Chuck (Ed Westwick) and Blair (Leighton Meester) will have an important scene at the Empire State Building.

She added that one storyline involving Dan (Penn Badgley) will have an impact on Nate (Chace Crawford) and Serena (Blake Lively), while Dorota (Zuzanna Szadkowski) will give birth to her baby.

“The finale is a game changer,” Savage said. “An old friend returns to the city, several leave it for the summer… and one of them might not come back.”

Savage also explained that Serena’s father Keith van der Woodsen, played by William Baldwin, will have an important role in the episode.

She said: “The events that he puts into motion [are driving] us to the end of the season, culminating with the finale cliffhangers.”

Gossip Girl continues Mondays at 9pm in USA

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