Leighton på Christian Dior Spring/Summer 2012 fashion show
Även där var Roxane Mesquida som spelar i Gossip girl Louis syster!
Tack till alla er som har berätta i vilken takt ni kollar gossip girl,det hjälper mig jätte mycket :)

Ed och Leigton intervjuv i Cleo

Ed och Penn på inspelningarna|| 27/9
Preview för "Beauty and the Feast"
Spoiler för er som följer i svensk takt!
Spotify lista uppdaterad!
Bad Karma | Katla | Ida Maria | |
Circles | The Exiles | ||
Headin' Inside | Surf City - EP | Surf City | |
Houdini | Torches | Foster The People | |
Kill Me | Kill Me - EP | Make The Girl Dance | |
Lemon Peel | Snowden | ||
My Pet Snakes | I'm Having Fun Now | Jenny & Johnny | |
Saved | Becca Styles feat. Classic | ||
Shuffle A Dream | Ritual Union | Little Dragon | |
The Free World AML | The Uglysuit | ||
The Future Will Destroy You | The Future Will Destroy You | Viva Voce |

Extende promo
Kommentar:Hejsan! Skulle inte ni kunna efter varje avsnitt (om ni följer amerikansk takt) skriva en text om vad ni tyckte om avsnittet och så att man kan diskutera avsnittet i kommentaren? Mina kompisar och jag har pratat mycket om det och de alla läser denna blogg och vi tycker det vore en bra idé!
Svar:Hmm...jag fick den frågan i frågestunden också och då sa jag nej. Men jag kanske ändrar mig, det är bara det att jag vet inte om jag hinner skriva någon sådan text då jag är en person som skriver den här bloggen och jag faktiskt har ett liv utanför bloggen fast man kanske inte riktigt tror det ibland hehehe. Jag ska fundera lite,under tiden är det bara och fortsätta att diskutera avsnittet i inlägget med länkarna till avsnittet. :)
5.03 "The Jewel of Denial" Stills

Safran pratar om Gossip girl graviditeten
Gossip Girl’s executive producer Josh Safran has hinted that the shock pregnancy storyline will involve “complications”.
In the recent season premiere, it emerged that Blair (Leighton Meester) is expecting a baby.
Safran has now told E! Online that Blair will struggle to cope with the news.
“Blair will try to hold on as best as she can alone and find that is not possible,” he said. “All of the discussions and what it means and what your options are and what you can do, all of that stuff is definitely very much in the mix.”
Safran, who confirmed that the father is either Louis (Hugo Becker) or Chuck (Ed Westwick), continued: “I also believe Blair is engaged to be married and princesses are quite young… It isn’t out of the realm of possibility to be pregnant. It’s just a question of the complications that come with it.”
Safran also revealed that the theme of the season is “growing up” and promised that fans will find out the identity of the father shortly.
“The audience will learn who the father is in the first half of the season,” he said. “[Either way,] Blair’s pregnancy will definitely impact Chuck in a major way.”
Jag frågar
Latest from Kristin
Mooricia22: What is up with Dan and Blair this season? And what about Chuck? Give us the goods on Gossip Girl!
Well, I finally know what is up with him looking all bruised and battered in that photo snapped on the set! I’m told that Chuck will be concerned that he feels nothing when he gets Blair’s Save the Date card, and starts taking some extreme measures to start feeling something, anything, including possibly hiring some dudes to do that job for him. Bottom line: There’s some dark Chuck stuff coming up. Also, our very first Gossip Girl Redux is posting tonight. So make sure to check back for that, and email/tweet/send carrier pigeon to your friends for them to read it if you want the GG Redux to stick around!
Kanadensiska promon för "Beauty and the Feast"
Promo för 5x02 Beauty and the Feast
Länkar till avsnitt 5.01!
Ny sneak peak 5.01
För er som ville se avsnittet i morgon på morgonen så kan ni troligen kolla på den här hemsidan ,
om inte så får ni leta för jag hittar inget annat.
Leighton i West Village

Avsnitt 9 heter...

btw visste ni att Caroline är svensk? Hon har sin egna sommar stuga på gotland :)
Det här twittrade hon den 23 sep:
Ny promo bild till Gossip Girl
Sneak Peak 5.01
Ed Westwick
Fick en fråga om jag kunde skriva mer om Ed och Leighton om deras uppväxt och så såhär kommer det om Ed! Troligen kommer fakta om Leighton nästa helg :)
Namn:Edward ”Ed” Westwick
Född:27 juni 1987
Längd: ca 177cm
Tiden före Gossip girl
Ed är växte upp i en liten stad i England kallad Stevenage som ligger utanför London.
Hans föräldrar heter Carole and Peter Westwick och han har 2 äldre bröder.
Ed gick i skolorna St Ippolyt’s Chuch of England Primary School och sedan i The Barclay School.
Ed utbildade sig professionellt på National Youth theather i London och år 2006 vid ålder 19 blev det år han syndes först på tv. Han gjorde ett avsnitt av ”doctors” som var en såpopera som gick på dagtid. Även i seriers som medicinska dramaserien "Casualty" och ITV övernaturliga dramat "Afterlife syndes han till. Även detta år så var han med i sina första filmer. Childern of men och Breaking and Entering som även Jude Law och Juliette Binoche var med i.
Han hade även sitt egna band The Filthy Youth som splittrades när Ed flyttade till USA och det andra bandmedlemmarna bodde kvar i England.
En bit av Afterlife:
The Filthy Youth:
Gossip Girl
Eds genombrott kom 2007 då han fick rollen som Chuck Bass i Gossip girl. Han hade du flygit in från England till LA för att göra castingen och som tur var fick han rollen. Som många kanske inte vet så gjorde han audition för både amerikansk accent och engelsk så det hade funnits en möjlighet att Chuck Bass hade pratat med en engelsk accent. Showen pågår ju somsagt fortfarande och Ed är bosatt i New York och i alla fall förut i stadsdelen Chelsea. Under 2 år så bodde Ed och Chace tillsammans men 2009 flyttade Chace ut och skaffade en egen lägenhet.
Eds Audition tape:
Under sin tid i Gossip girl har Ed hunnit gjort filmer som Son of Rambow, 100 feet, S.Darko och hans nyaste film Chalet Girl som kom ut i våras. Han är även med i Clint Eastwoods kommande film J.Edgar där han har en liten roll. Senare i höst ska han även spela Tybalt i en ny tappning av Romeo and Juliet.
Mest kändast är Eds gamla flickvän Jessica Szhor som spelade Vanessa i Gossip girl. Det var tillsammans från 2008 till 2010.
Här är några bilder på äldre flickvänner till Ed som jag inte vet namnet på:
Preview med Leighton
Who is pregnant?
Penn:So someone is pregnant...
Chace: Can't tell you who it is!!
Penn:It's Chace
Chace:Could be me ;)
Exclusiva bilder från Gossip girl inspelningarna

Joshua Safran svarar på frågor
Gossip Girl Executive Producer Joshua Safran eagerly answered fan questions yesterday at The CW network about the season premiere Monday, Sept. 26 at 8/7c:
What is the deal with Dan and Blair?
We’ve always been nervous about their relationships perception. We’ve always known there is a specific course, yet it may take on some new meaning this season.
Can you tease the 100th episode at all?
It is going to be a blast. All I can say is that we’ve been watching the pilot a lot.
Will the majority of the season be bi-coastal?
Not for long. The crew will fully return to New York soon.
What is Elizabeth Hurley’s agenda?
Can’t reveal what it is specifically, but I can say she is very honest about it. She will play games but be very upfront, and it will carry back to New York!
What’s up with Rufus and Lily this season?
We don’t want to mess with that couple very much. They have worked very hard to stay together and we want them to be grounded. They will float in and out of other story lines.
What’s in store for the infamous Chuck Bass?
Chuck’s theme this season is growing up. His journey opens the door to a new way of life that we haven’t seen before.
Will we see a lot of Nate this season?
Nate has a huge great story! Like Chuck, it relates to finding out who he really is and taking control of his life.
Ed pratar om avsnitt 5.01
Leighton Meester berömmer Taylor Momsen
En kort artikel om Leighton och vad hon tycker om Taylors (Jenny) sångkarriär och filmkarriär.
Gossip Girl star Leighton Meester has revealed that she has a great admiration for her former co star Taylor Momsen. Leighton admitted that she believes Taylor to be a fantastic actress, despite the fact that Momsen has given up on acting to focus on a music career.
Meester explained, "She's so talented, and anyone I know that's heard her music is a huge fan, you can't help it. She's also an incredible actress and just a lovely girl." She then added that she could never pick between the two, "Both is where it's at, if I had to choose, I think I'd be very unhappy."
Leighton Meester is set to star in the Adam Sandler comedy I Hate You, Dad, alongside Susan Sarandon, Milo Ventimiglia and James Caan. The movie centres around an argumentative father who moves in with his son prior to his wedding. I Hate You, Dad is due for release in the US on June 15, 2012 and in the UK on September 7, 2012.
Gossip Girl Säsong Premiär: Allt att skvaller om
If we had to describe the season five premiere of Gossip Girl in one word, that word would be: fun.
Seriously, Gossip Girl's season opener, airing on Monday, Sept. 26, is just a whole lot of fun. That's not to say there isn't any delicious drama accompanying all the fun. Come on now, this is GG. You should know better.
So how is Chuck (Ed Westwick) dealing with Blair's (Leighton Meester) engagement? What's going on between Dan (Penn Badgley) and Blair? And who the heck is pregnant?!
To make this easier, let's tease the premiere character-by-character, shall we?
Blair: Our favorite Audrey Hepburn worshipper returns from Monaco with Prince Louis (Hugo Becker) full of love…and complaints. You see, Louis' mother is making all of the wedding decisions, including (gasp!) the dress that Blair will wear. Blair may or may not begin to rethink her engagement when Louis refuses to stand up to his mother. Her (possible) cold feet lead us to…
Dan: Slow ya roll, Chair fans. It's not like that. Dan—who took up softball during the summer (in a league for writers and artists!) and looks adorable in his team's shirt—is Blair's only friend currently in the city and she desperately needs someone to talk to. As a friend.
Lonely Boy is more than happy to offer his assistance considering he's still harboring major feelings for Blair and all. Our evidence? Vanity Fair is attempting to publish a chapter from Dan's novel Inside, which is all about Blair and he desperately tries to stop it from being printed and turns to an unexpected source for some help. Does he succeed? We're not saying, but we will say Dan and Blair have a heartfelt and serious (their banter is MIA) scene in the loft that will make Dair lovers very, very happy for a moment or two.
Chuck: Prepare for Chuck like you've never seen him before: Truly happy! OK, we've seen him happy before, but this is a different kind of happy: it's dangerous. It seems Chuck took Jim Carrey's Yes Man a little too much to heart because that's his new favorite word: Yes. As in he's down to try anything at least once, even if it puts his life in danger. At least he does it all with style and one-liners. (Here's our favorite: "People like me don't write books. They're written about.")
While Chuck and Blair don't come face-to-face in the episode (He is in L.A. being a daredevil and all), he definitely still feels her presence when an envelope containing a certain invite arrives.
Nate: Attention! Nate Archibald finally has a storyline! Whee! We had a blast watching Nate run around L.A., pretending to be a movie star and hooking up with Elizabeth Hurley (who is awesome and gorgeous and scheming and we love it!) and it's all thanks to Chace's underrated comedy skills. We're glad the show is finally highlighting the goofy side of Nate.
That being said, Nate has an epiphany of sorts in the episode: He's kind of lost. (Better late than never, Natey!) Where that takes him should be really interesting to watch this season.
Serena: S is a working girl, y'all! She's got a job as a production assistant on a film with David O. Russell and is in some fierce job competition with—drum roll, please—10 Things I Hate About You's Ethan Peck! Yes, Ethan is in the premiere and he's kind of a jerk. Sad panda.
One of the episode's highlights includes all the Chuck, Nate and Serena interaction, which had kind of a season-one vibe. The Non-Judging Breakfast Club (minus Blair at the moment) lives on! We totally wanted in on their group hug.
Not enough Gossip goodies for you? Here's a few other tidbits we can tease:
- It's revealed what Jenny (Taylor Momsen) is up to pretty early in the episode. (She's not in Hudson anymore.)
- What are the parentals up to? Rufus (Matthew Settle) is definitely becoming suspicious of Dan's feelings for Blair, while Lily (Kelly Rutherford) is still redecorating (off-screen).
- Remember the term "Three words, eight letters" from season two? Of course you do. It's brought back in the premiere and has nothing to do with Chuck and Blair.
- And finally, yes, someone is in fact pregnant. Yes, it's shocking. Yes, the reveal comes near the end of the episode. Yes, we will be in deep trouble if we say anything else on the subject.
Like what you're hearing? What are you most excited to see in Gossip Girl's season premiere? Come hang with us in the comments and tell us all about it. We promise we don't bite!
"Yes,then zero" episode preview
ååå 6 dagar kvar tills vi kan se avsnittet! :D
Spoiler från Ausiello!
Question: I’m a “Dair” fan, I must admit. Do you have an scoopage on my favorite Gossip Girl storyline? —Nova
Ausiello: I’m hearing rumblings about a second kiss early in the season, but I don’t know when it occurs or what the context is. But does it really matter? A kiss is still a kiss.
Leighton på HTC event

Leighton intervjuv// The Oranges
Leighton Meester moves from the city to the suburbs in ‘The Oranges,’ a new ensemble comedy from veteran TV director Julian Farino, but the drama stays the same. In the film, Meester plays Nina Ostroff, who returns home after a five-year absence and upsets the delicate balance of their quiet New Jersey suburb. Despite Nina’s parents trying to set her up with their neighbors’ and best friends’ eligible son (Adam Brody), Nina instead falls for his father David (Hugh Laurie) — and the feelings are mutual.
Movies about May-December romances aren’t exactly rare, but they’re rarely this funny, and Moviefone sat down with Meester at the Toronto Film Festival to find out her opinion on the film’s unconventional love story and how the cast came together as one big happy family.
How was the premiere?
It was fun, it was very fun!
Was that the first time you’d seen the movie?
No, I have seen it before, but not in a room filled with people. It was very different. It was a very interesting experience, everybody was laughing. It was cool.
Considering most people are probably initially skeptical of the movie’s love story, is it validating to get such a positive response?
Yeah! I mean, it’s a delicate subject and I think it’s very funny, but it’s funny in the way that life is funny. So I think that’s probably why it works. It’s got a lot of tension and awkwardness but then it sort of cools off. But it’s definitely nice to hear people laughing when they’re supposed to laugh. [Laughs]
I think Alia Shawkat’s character reacting so strongly against David and Nina’s relationship helps the audience buy into what’s happening. It almost makes them seem sympathetic.
I think that anybody who watches it will probably have that reaction at first. They at first want to rebel against it, they want to say, ‘No, this is crazy and selfish.’ And then eventually you do root for their love and want it to work, because it’s genuine and it’s real. And I think that it does ask that question of what is morality, what is love, what is being selfish? Is it being selfish to find love and take the opportunity to experience it, or is it selfish for people to not want them to have it because it’s “wrong,” according to other people?
How’d you get attached to the project?
I read the script and I, of course, fell in love with it. Every time I [told people], ‘I did ‘The Oranges,” I got, ‘Oh, I loved that script!’ But then I met with Julian [Farino], who I’d actually known for quite a long time. And he initially told me a few years ago that I was maybe a bit too young for [the part]. Then, of course, two years later when they were actually making it, it was fine. It worked.
I had a very funny audition with Julian. I had it in my dressing room at work. He came to visit me on set, I was working. And they kept on coming and knocking on my door. The director of photography was there, filming me. And he would pan from me, then over to the door, where somebody was knocking, somebody from the set, and then pan back over and we would finish the scene. I’m kind of curious to see it.
You had worked with Hugh Laurie before, right?
I had, yes!
Did that help smooth over any potential awkwardness?
Yeah, it was really nice that we had already met and worked together. I already had a sense of what he’s like. And I was aware of his talents. People always talk about having nothing but admiration and positive feelings about somebody, but he ruined everything! [Laughs] No, he’s so funny and smart and talented and made everything wonderful.
How was the atmosphere on set? It seemed like you guys had a lot of fun with this.
These [characters] were people who have known each other for years. And you get to know each other very quickly on set, but it was accelerated by the fact that Julian — he’s brilliant — he just shoved us in a room together and said, ‘Okay, here you go.’ So we ate and drank and talked and, of course, rehearsed a bit.
And then during the movie we were all put in a house together, with our own rooms. You could hear Hugh playing the piano downstairs and we would all have dinners around a big table. So the atmosphere was fun and funny. And also, Julian has a really cool point of view and he adds a lot of levity, particularly in scenes that got very dramatic. He makes them funny.
You have a background in television, and so does Julian and the rest of the cast. How much do you have to change your approach for a movie?
It’s completely different. The setting is different, the timing is different, the hours are different. And the character is different. You get to plan your character from beginning to end and experience your arc as one thing, as opposed to something that lasts for years. You get to develop the backstory and what’s happening beyond the film and afterwards. In a show, you really can’t do that, which is good and bad.
But Julian is such a wonderful director, any way you look at it. I really enjoy working with him. He’s funny. I think the best thing about him is that I noticed that with different people and different ages and different backgrounds on the film, he never had a female or male point of view. It never felt like I was talking to just a man when he was talking about my character. He definitely had a really great understanding somehow — I don’t know how, you could ask him — of how a 20-something year-old girl would behave in a situation, and then be able to turn around and talk to a 50-year-old man about what his reaction would be like.
Bilder från Monte Carlo
Gossip girl promotion poster
Gossip Girl Spoiler by Kristin
RGGfan: What’s up with Elizabeth Hurley on Gossip Girl? Is she evil?
I think so. I’m hearing E.H.’s character will be using peeps we know to try to compete with Gossip Girl herself. And anyone who messes with Kristen Bell must be the very spawn of Beelzebub, right?
Ed som Chuck Bass 4/9

Kanadensiska Gossip girl promon!
Ed i Brooklyn |18/9
In safe hands | chuck and blair
Leighton Meester// Vanity Fair

Gossip girl inspelningarna 16/9!

Svar på fråga om länkarna
Kommentar:Heeej jag vore också jätte tacksam för svar !:) den amerikanska premiären för gossip girl är 26 september tror jag och sen 9 oktober i Sverige. Dem där sidorna du länka 'tv links och den andra, jag antar att det är en amerikansk sida? Vet du om dem Laddar upp säsong 5 avsnitt 1 innan 9 oktober? Ifall jag inte kan hålla mig tills då hahahahahah
Svar: Det här hemsidorna som jag länka + det som andra läsare skrev om i kommentarerna alla de laddar upp gossip girl avsnitten i Amerikansk takt så om du klickar på dem kan de se avsnittet den 27 september, avsnitten läggs upp oftast natten mellan måndagen och tisdagen :)
Svar på kommentar :)
Kommentar:alltså jag vore jääääävligt tacksam för svar.
jag började titta på gossip girl veckan jag var sjukt,laddade ner alla tre säsongerna från tankafetast haha xd
och fastnade,på en vecka har jag sett de tre säsongerna och jag äääälskar chuck & blair.
men problemet är att jag inte kan hitta nånstans att de på säsong 4,och säsong 5 starta redan 9 oktober på kanal 5 så jag vill se säsong 4 innan det såklart,men vaaar?? och hur??
Svar: Haha jag ska försöka hjälpa dig :) Jag brukar kolla på avsnitten online så jag vet bara sidor som man kan kolla på det online inte ladda ner men jag brukar kolla på tv-links eller på Ch131 jag skulle nog rekomendera tv-links :) Hoppas det hjälper dig ^^ Update: Bland kommentarerna till detta inlägg finns det nu fler tips på sidor där du kan ladda ner avsnitten,tack så mycket A och Julie :)
Till er andra läsare om ni kollar någon annanstans skriv gärna det i kommentarna så jag kan få veta och andra läsare :)
GG inspelningarna 16/9!

Ny promo för Gossip girl!
Vill ni se den får ni klicka här! När den kommer ut i youtube-format så kommer jag lägga upp den :)
Update: Nu även i youtube format ;)

Leighton meester intervjuv om The oranges
Mer bilder från GG inspelningar 14/9!

5.02 "Beauty and the Feast"
ELIZABETH HURLEY GUEST STARS IN A MULTI-EPISODE ARC FOR SEASON FIVE / EPISODE IS SET IN BOTH NEW YORK AND LOS ANGELES — Nate (Chace Crawford) reconnects unexpectedly with Diana (Elizabeth Hurley), who offers him an exciting opportunity. Serena (Blake Lively) forces Charlie (Kaylee DeFer) to decide which world she wants to embrace. Dan (Penn Badgley) seeks out Chuck’s (Ed Westwick) help to stop the publication of his book, but discovers it is Chuck who needs the help. Blair’s (Leighton Meester) future sister-in-law, Beatrice (guest star Roxane Mesquida), arrives from Monaco, but her motives with Blair may be more than just to get acquainted. Matthew Settle also stars. Mark Piznarski directed the episode written by co-executive producer Sara Goodman (#502)
Svar på frågestunden :)
Hur får du reda på allt?
Jag brukar ha ett antal sidor jag kollar upp nyheter på och sedan hemsidor som lägger ut bilder som tex zimbio. Det är inte så svårt när man vet var man ska kolla :)
Kan du inte ha inlägg när du berättar deras "historia" alltså, Leightons/Ed riktiga liv, vart hon/han föddes osv.
Jo det kan jag väl försöka göra ett inlägg om :)
Kommer du att skriva om avsnitten som börjar den oktober? typ vad det handlade om, funderingar osv?
Menar du om jag ska typ göra recention på varje avsnitt? Kan bli rätt så svårt då jag följer Gossip girl i usas takt och jag vet att vissa som läser bloggen följer den i svensk takt om jag skulle skriva sånt så skulle det lätt bli att jag spoilar er andra.
Heter han Ed, eller är det en förkortning?
Hans födelsenamn är faktiskt Edward Westwick men han blir kallad till vardags Ed :)
Vad ser du mest fram imot i den nya säsongen?
Oj,jag ser fram imot så mycket! Jag vill veta vem som är gravid, hur Blair planerar bröllopet, Chuck som verkar hålla på med massa konstiga saker som att hoppa från hus :S. Om Dan och Blairs vänskap vilket jag tyckte var rolig att kolla på i säsong 4. Jag längtar till att det ska börja så otroligt mycket! :D
Hur tror/vill du att GG tillslut kommer sluta?
Det är en så himla svår fråga men om jag skulle få som jag ville hm... så skulle självklart Chuck och Blair ha gift sig. Serena skulle vara tillsammans med Nate,tyckte det var jätte gulliga i säsong 3 ^^ och så skulle Chuck och Blair få en bebis! Jag har rätt så dålig fantasi som ni kanske ser :P
(fanmade bild på chuck och blairs bröllop)
Läser du GG böckerna?
Jag har läst första och andra så jag har 9st kvar haha men det blir att jag inte hinner sätta mig ner och läsa + jag tycker serien är bättre då böckerna och serien är helt olika.
Hur länge har du haft den här bloggen?
Jag har haft den sedan februari 2010 :) Jag är grundaren och det kommer vara jag som stänger ner den.
Hur många besökare har du per dag?
Jag har mellan ca 75-125 besökare per dag :)
Vilket är ditt favorit GG avsnitt?
ååå det är så svårt att välja vilket som är absolut bäst men Topp tre är:
- "Victor Victrola" avsnitt 7 säsong 1
- "O Brother, Where Bart Thou?" avsnitt 13 säsong 2
- "Double Identity" avsnitt 2 säsong 4
Har du något favorit citat från GG?
Hmm I'm Chuck Bass är ju rätt så grym replik :P men favvo är nog det här citatet:
Blair: I don't love you anymore. But it takes more than even you to destroy Blair Waldorf.
Chuck: Your world would be easier if I didn't come back.
Blair: That's true. But it wouldn't be my world without you in it.
Bara för att den scenen är så grym, så mycket känslor som Leighton och Ed har i den här scenen alltså. Den blir så himla stark. :)
Gossip girl inspelningar 14/9!

Ny promo!
Update:Har bytt ut den gamla till en med bra kvalité!
Senaste spoiler från Kristin
Desiree: I’d give ANYTHING for something on Dan and Blair on Gossip Girl. Please, give me some good news on them!
I just heard about something in episode four that literally made me gasp, then squeal, then blurt out, “Are you freaking serious?!” Turns out, the scandalous scene I’m talking about is not exactly what it seems, but I highly recommend you Chuck-Blair fans and Dan-Blair fans wear an adult diaper just in case. Consider yourself warned.
Jazy736: Hit me with some Serena news please! #GossipGirl
She’ll be working for a production company that wants to get the rights to a certain book written by a certain someone she knows very well. Hint: It’s not Snooki.
mockingbird2424: Do you have any #gossipgirl Chuck and Blair news?
Chuck is gonna have a hard time feeling anything this year.
Ed utanför Milk studios
Ps.Glöm inte frågestunden sista dagen att ställa frågor är onsdag .Ds

Leighton-out and about

Leighton vid The Variety Studio

Ed på US open med sin pappa
Ed på Simon Spurr Spring 2012 Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week
Sebastian Stan också där :)

Klipp från the oranges
The Oranges portätt session
Om ni vill se armbandet tydligare kan ni kicka på bild nr 5 :)

The Oranges premär på Tiff
Alexander Mcqueen :)

Video från Tommy Hilfiger Show
Gossip girl har fått start datum i sverige!
Leighton meester- Tiffanys & Co
The Stand In
Ny bild från "Yes then zero"

Ed på Tommy Hilfiger vår 2012 Show

5.01 Avsnitt beskrivning
SPOTTED — OUR FAVORITE UPPER EAST SIDERS ON THE WEST COAST! PLUS, PREGNANCY MYSTERY SOLVED, ROYAL WEDDING IN THE WORKS AND GUEST STAR ELIZABETH HURLEY — Serena (Blake Lively) loves her new job in Hollywood, but makes a costly misstep when she tries to impress her boss (guest star Michael Michele). Chuck (Ed Westwick) and Nate (Chace Crawford) arrive in Los Angeles as the last stop of their Lost Summer trip, joining Serena at a glamorous Hollywood Hills party, where Nate meets a sexy older woman (guest star Elizabeth Hurley). Blair (Leighton Meester) and Louis (guest star Hugo Becker) return from Monaco and begin planning their royal wedding, but when Louis refuses to stand up to his family and support Blair’s choices, his weakness threatens their relationship. A magazine is planning to run an excerpt of Dan’s (Penn Badgley) book until an unlikely ally steps in to help him kill the story. Kaylee DeFer and Matthew Settle also star. Mark Piznarski directed the episode written by executive producer Joshua Safran.
Fashion night out på Tiffany & Co

Leighton meester intervjuv
Ed på US Open för Lacoste
GG inspelningarna 7/9!

Leighton och Penn 7/9!

Senaste från Ausiello!
Question: Can you give me some really good stuff about what is going to happen on Gossip Girl? —Saloni
Ausiello: Good stuff coming your way in 3, 2, 1… The show is pulling out “all the stops” for its milestone 100th episode in January, according to executive producer Josh Safran. “We want to honor the [fact] that it’s the 100th episode,” he says. “We know that we are very lucky to be coming by it, and we’re going to respect that. So we definitely want to make it feel like it is a special event. Let’s put it this way — it’s not going to be a clip show.” Hmm… Safran already confirmed that Blair will spend the first chunk of the season planning her royal nups to Louis, so it stands to reason that the wedding itself would take place around midseason. See where I’m going with this, people?
Question: I’m still confused about Taylor Momsen’s status on Gossip Girl. Is she gone for good? Gossip Girl isn’t the same without Lil J. —Jen
Ausiello: Sources confirm to TVLine that Jenny will return to the UES when hell freezes over. But it’s not like the show will pretend like she never existed. Case in point: Rumor has it her absence is addressed in the season premiere (and don’t assume she returned to school upstate).
Leighton vid inspelningarna 6/9!

Gossip girl säsong 5 promo!
Bilder från avsnitt 5.01 "Yes then Zero"!
Chuck Bass och motorcykel verkar vara en spännande blandning :)

Leighton intervjuv från Lovestruck event
Leighton lämnar inspelningarna 1/9

The Oranges bild
Penshoppe bild
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HTC summer session del 6!
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GG inspelningar idag!
Gossip girl inspelningarna 31/8!

Avsnitt 4 heter...
Handling 5.01!
Blair Waldorf (Leighton Meester) has spent a fabulous summer with her fiancé, Prince Louis (guest star Hugo Becker), in her future kingdom of Monaco. But when Blair returns home from the holiday, this Princess-to-be will quickly learn that planning a royal wedding can be a royal pain. And the fallout from Blair and Chuck's (Ed Westwick) heartbreaking decision to let each other go isn't making life easier.
Meanwhile, Serena van der Woodsen (Blake Lively) scored the perfect summer job in sunny Los Angeles, working for an A-list director. Being in California has clearly allowed Serena to discover a new sense of purpose, but will the return of her cousin Charlie (Kaylee DeFer), in actuality a struggling actress Aunt Carol paid to impersonate her daughter, threaten to ruin everything? Only time will tell.
Chuck Bass and Nate Archibald (Chace Crawford) enjoyed a hedonistic summer trip around the globe but, when they stop in Los Angeles to visit Serena, things quickly spin out of control. Nate falls into bed with a sexy and mysterious older woman, Diana Payne (guest star Elizabeth Hurley), who has more in store for him than he knows. And a seemingly carefree Chuck is chasing down exotic adrenaline rushes that might put his life in real danger.
After a relaxing summer in the Hamptons, Dan Humphrey (Penn Badgley), has his whole world shattered when he discovers that Vanessa has gone behind his back and found an editor to anonymously publish his autobiographical novel, INSIDE. Dan's terrified of all his friends and family reading his critique of New York high society, but will he say no to the fame and fortune that comes with being a published author? It's anybody's guess.
So watch out Upper East Siders, this season nobody's safe, and everybody's going to be sorry….XOXO Gossip Girl